博碩士論文 110552013 詳細資訊

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姓名 黃章軒(Chang-Hsuan Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系在職專班
論文名稱 C++之單元測試環境下使用共享指標標記物件方式減少因加入測試而產生的編譯錯誤
(Using shared memory pointer to mark objects in C++ unit testing environment to reduces compile errors for adding testing project)
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摘要(中) 軟體開發往往以多人團隊分工為主,單元測試往往也是開發者與測試者為同一批人,但在特殊團隊環境下,有可能出現不同人的狀況,這時測試者對於程式的單元測試操作就會比較消耗時間。雖然能夠協助專案進行單元測試的工具有很多樣,但是他們大多適用在興新的高階語言,而傳統且使用廣泛的 C/C++較少出現類似工具,因此本文提出一種以記憶體轉發的方式來減少程式所在的檔案(computer file)間直接呼叫的工具,用以減少單元測試專案在加入程式區塊時,所產生的編譯錯誤數目,藉此減少測試人員必要的程式修改需求進而加快工作效率。
摘要(英) Software development often involves division of labor within a team, and unit testing is frequently performed by the same group of developers and testers. However, in specialized team environments, it’s possible that different individuals handle different tasks, which can make unit testing more time-consuming for testers. While there are many tools available to assist with unit testing, most of them are tailored for modern high-level languages, and similar tools are scarce for traditional and widely-used languages like C/C++. Therefore, this paper proposes a tools that memory forwarding method to reduce directly called between the computer files. Thereby reduce the number of compilation errors generated when unit testing adds program blocks, thereby reducing the need for testers to modify the necessary programs and speeding up work efficiency.
關鍵字(中) ★ C++
★ 相依性
★ 單元測試
★ 專案測試
關鍵字(英) ★ C++
★ Dependency
★ Unit Testing
★ Project Testing
論文目次 摘要.......................................................V
第一章 介紹................................................1
1-1 背景..................................................1
1-2 動機..................................................1
1-4 貢獻...................................................5
1-5 論文架構...............................................5
第二章 相關研究.............................................6
2-1 A Tool for Translating sequential source code to parallel code written in C++ and OpenACC..................6
2-2 Unit Testing in C++ with Compiler Instrumentation and Friends...................................................6
2-3 Cpp-Taskflow: Fast Task-based Parallel Programming using Modern C++................................................7
第三章 系統設計.............................................9
3-1 構想...................................................9
3-2 目的..................................................10
3-2-1 工具主要功能.........................................11
3-3 方法..................................................11
3-3-1 資料連結............................................12
3-3-2 Job機制.............................................14
3-3-2-1 Job函式連結.......................................15
3-4 運作過程..............................................16
3-5 操作方式.............................................17
3-5-1 起始設定............................................17
3-5-2 對外輸出設定........................................17
3-5-3 接收設定...........................................18
3-5-4 函式選擇器設定......................................19
第四章 Case Study........................................21
4-1 方式.................................................21
4-1-1 評估標準...........................................21
4-1-2 器材...............................................21
4-1-3 實驗用資料..........................................21
4-1-4 各程式內容解釋......................................23
4-1-4 檔案相依性表達......................................24
4-2 實驗過程..............................................25
4-1-1 實驗配置............................................25
4-1-2 實驗結果總攬........................................26
4-2-3 結果解釋-ProgramA Case、ProgramC Case、ProgramD Case .........................................................26
4-2-4 結果解釋-ProgramB Case..............................33
4-2-5 結果解釋-ProgramE Case和ProgramF Case...............34
4-2-6 實驗結果討論........................................41
第五章 結論與未來研究方向..................................42
5-1 結論.................................................42
5-2 未來研究方向..........................................42
5-2-1 非記憶體類呼叫處理..................................42
5-2-2 函式轉移的操作性....................................42
5-2-3 對於負載的影響......................................42
第六章 參考文獻...........................................43
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指導教授 王尉任(Wei-Jen Wang) 審核日期 2024-8-12
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