博碩士論文 111552014 詳細資訊

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姓名 呂賀翔(Ho-Hsiang Lu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系在職專班
論文名稱 基於自編碼器與多頭注意力機制的惡意流量檢測模型
(A Malicious Traffic Detection Model Based on Autoencoder and Multi-Head Attention Mechanism)
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摘要(中) 隨著網路技術的高速發展,5G 網路和各類雲端服務的普及。智慧型手機、 智慧穿戴設備及物聯網(IoT)設備的數量正在呈現指數級增長。個人資訊、金 融交易及支付方式的數位化為人們帶來極大的便利性,但也讓駭客們有更多的攻 擊機會與手段,因此資訊安全(Information Security)的重要性與可實踐性變得 極其重要。為了因應現代網路的高速度與低延遲性,入侵檢測系統(Intrusion Detection System)的響應時間將會是關鍵指標,傳統的檢測方法仰賴於分析高維 度數據,不僅計算成本高,也難以滿足即時性的需求。而高複雜度的模型部署在 邊緣設備上的可行性也有待確認,因為邊緣設備通常不具備強大的運算能力。

本論文為了解決傳統檢測方法的高計算成本與高響應時間,提出了一種高效 的混合模型(Encoder and Multi-head Attention, EMA),透過自動編碼器(Auto encoder)將原始流量降維,使得低維度數據能夠代表原始數據表示,大幅降低計 算成本,接著使用多頭注意力機制(Multi-head attention)從低維度數據中計算特 徵與特徵之間的關聯性,找到關鍵因素並加強其權重,並透過殘差連接達到數據 增強的效果,解決資料降維可能導致大量資訊損失的問題。

為驗證該方法的有效性,本論文採用 UNSW-NB15 數據集進行了實驗測試。 實驗結果表明,與傳統的入侵檢測方法中表現最好的 GRU 模型相比,以準確度 為優先的 EMA 模型能夠在低運算成本的情況下將準確率維持在 98.48%,並使 模型訓練時間減少 85.41%,預測時間減少 60.24%,CPU 峰值降低 15.20%,平均 CPU 使用率降低 42.31%,而以速度爲優先的 EMA 模型能夠以犧牲 2.10%準確 度換取訓練時間減少 93.13%,預測時間減少 64.69%,CPU 峰值降低 29.48%,平 均 CPU 使用率降低 42.31%。大幅降低傳統檢測方法為人詬病的高計算成本與響
摘要(英) With the rapid development of network technology and the proliferation of 5G networks and various cloud services, the number of smartphones, smart wearables, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices is growing exponentially. The digitization of personal information, financial transactions, and payment methods has brought significant convenience to people while providing more opportunities and means for hackers to launch attacks. As a result, the importance and practicality of information security have become critical. To meet the high speed and low latency demands of modern networks, the response time of Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) will be a crucial indicator. Traditional detection methods rely on analyzing high-dimensional data, which is computationally expensive and fails to meet real-time requirements. The feasibility of deploying complex models on edge devices also remains uncertain because such devices typically lack robust computing power.

To address the high computational cost and response time of traditional detection methods, this paper proposes an efficient hybrid model(Encoder and Multi-head Attention, EMA). The model uses an autoencoder to reduce the dimensionality of the original network traffic, enabling low-dimensional data to represent the original data more efficiently and reducing computational costs significantly. It then employs a multi-head attention mechanism to identify key factors and strengthen their weights by calculating the relationships between features in the low-dimensional data. Through residual connections, the model achieves data augmentation, solving the problem of significant information loss that can result from dimensionality reduction.

To validate the effectiveness of the proposed method, this paper conducted experimental tests using the UNSW-NB15 dataset. The experimental results indicate that, compared to the best-performing GRU model in traditional intrusion detection methods, the accuracy-prioritized EMA model can maintain an accuracy rate of 98.48% with low computational cost, reduce training time by 85.41%, prediction time by 60.24%, peak CPU usage by 15.20%, and average CPU usage by 42.31%. Meanwhile, the speed-prioritized EMA model, by sacrificing 2.10% accuracy, can reduce training time by 93.13%, prediction time by 64.69%, peak CPU usage by 29.48%, and average CPU usage by 42.31%. This significantly reduces the high computational cost and response time that have been criticized in traditional detection methods, enhancing the feasibility of deploying the model on edge devices with low computational power and providing an efficient and practical solution for modern network security protection.
關鍵字(中) ★ 流量分類
★ 降維
★ 注意力機制
★ 自動編碼器
★ 入侵檢測系統
關鍵字(英) ★ Traffic classification
★ Dimensionality reduction
★ Attention mechanism
★ Autoencoder
★ Intrusion detection system
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract iii
誌謝 v
目錄 vi
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 xii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1. 概要 1
1.2. 研究動機 2
1.3. 研究目的 3
1.4. 章節架構 3
第二章 背景知識與相關研究 4
2.1. 入侵檢測系統(Intrusion Detection System) 4
2.2. 降維(Dimension Reduction) 6
2.3. 注意力機制(Attention Mechanism) 7
2.4. 相關研究 8
第三章 研究方法 11
3.1. 模型架構 11
3.2. 資料前處理(Data Preprocess) 13
3.2.1. 極端值修剪(Extreme value capping) 15
3.2.2. 對數函數(Log function) 16
3.2.3. 類別縮減(Category reduction) 16
3.2.4. One-hot encoding 17
3.2.5. Standard scaler 18
3.3. 降維模型 - 自動編碼器(Autoencoder) 20
3.3.1. 自動編碼器(Autoencoder) 21
3.3.2. 具體流程 23
3.3.3. 降維模型架構 26
3.3.4. 降維可視化分析 27
3.4. 分類模型 - 多頭注意力機制(Mutli-Head Attention) 29
3.4.1. 多頭注意力機制 29
3.4.2. 具體流程 32
3.4.3. 分類模型架構 35
3.5. 系統實作 37
第四章 實驗與討論 38
4.1. 情境一:分析降維模型架構變化對效能的影響 38
4.1.1. 實驗一:激勵函數對於降維效能的影響 38
4.1.2. 實驗二:Layer 數量對於降維效能的影響 41
4.1.3. 實驗三:降維幅度對於編碼器效能的影響 44
4.1.4. 實驗四:比較 EMA 與各模型的整體效能 48
4.2. 情境二:分析分類模型架構變化對效能的影響 52
4.2.1. 實驗五:注意力機制頭數對於模型效能的影響 52
4.2.2. 實驗六:前饋神經網路對於注意力機制效能的影響 56
4.2.3. 實驗七:前饋神經網路層數對注意力機制效能的影響 61
4.2.4. 實驗八:比較多頭注意力機制與各模型的整體效能 65
4.3. 情境三:針對不同目標的 EMA 架構最佳化 70
4.3.1. 實驗九:分析以精確度/速度為焦點的 EMA 效能 70
第五章 結論與未來研究方向 75
5.1. 結論 75
5.2. 未來研究 76
參考文獻 78
參考文獻 參考文獻
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指導教授 周立德(Li-Der Chou) 審核日期 2024-8-14
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