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姓名 陳政維(Zheng-Wei Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 電機工程學系
論文名稱 多核心系統的老化與瞬態錯誤感知任務部署策略:壽命延長且節能的框架
(Aging and Transient Error Aware Task Deployment Strategy for Multicore Systems: A Lifetime-Extened and Energy-Efficient Framework)
★ 晶圓圖之網格及稀疏缺陷樣態辨識★ 晶圓圖提取特徵參數錯誤樣態分析
★ 使用聚類過濾策略和 CNN 計算識別晶圓圖瑕疵樣態★ 新建晶圓圖相似性門檻以強化相似程度辨別能力
★ 一種可動態重新配置的4:2近似壓縮器用於補償老化★ 一個可靠的靜態隨機存取記憶體內運算結構: 設計指南與耐老化策略研究
★ 一個高效的老化偵測器部屬策略: 基於生成對抗網路的設計方法★ 考慮電壓衰退和繞線影響以優化電路時序之電源供應網絡精煉策略
★ 適用於提高自旋轉移力矩式磁阻隨機存取記憶體矩陣可靠度之老化偵測與緩解架構設計★ 8T 靜態隨機存取記憶體之內積運算引擎的老化威脅緩解策略: 從架構及運算角度來提出解決的方法
★ 用於響應穩定性的老化感知平行掃描鏈PUF設計★ 8T靜態隨機存取記憶體運算的老化檢測和容忍機制:適用於邏輯和 MAC 運算的應用
★ 使用擺置後的設計特徵及極限梯度提升演算法預測繞線後的繞線需求★ 基於強化學習的晶片佈局規劃的卷積神經網路與圖神經網路融合架構
★ 用於佈線後階段電壓降優化的強化學習框架★ 基於圖神經網絡(GNN)的內部節點控制(INC)和輸入向量控制(IVC)協同優化用於老化緩解
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摘要(中) 異構多核系統(Heterogeneous multicore system)是現代計算系統中的重要
摘要(英) Heterogeneous multicore systems are a critical architecture in modern computing
systems, comprising different types of processor cores that vary in performance,
architecture, power consumption, and functionality. For instance, these systems may
include high-performance cores suited for handling computation-intensive tasks and
low-power cores ideal for lighter tasks or maintaining system standby. This
heterogeneity offers flexibility in resource management and task scheduling, aiding in
enhancing overall system performance and efficiency. However, it also complicates
task allocation and management, necessitating precise scheduling strategies and
optimization techniques to maximize the advantages of these different types of cores.
This study focuses on optimizing task replication and mapping techniques in
heterogeneous multicore systems to strike a balance between enhancing system fault
tolerance and energy efficiency. Initially, the study determines the proper number of
task replications and operating frequencies. Then, it flexibly maps the task replications
to suitable cores based on the characteristics of the different core types and the current
system state, adjusting core voltages and frequencies accordingly. This fine-grained
optimization approach helps to meet task demands while maximizing system
performance and lifespan and minimizing energy consumption.
Experimental results demonstrate that this method significantly extends system
lifespan and reduces energy consumption, seamlessly integrating with existing methods.
The study also demonstrates the broad applicability and potential breakthroughs of this
approach in heterogeneous multicore systems. The results contribute to advancing the
application of heterogeneous multicore systems in various computing environments
such as cloud computing, the Internet of Things (IoT), and artificial intelligence (AI),
providing new ideas and methods for future high-performance computing systems.
關鍵字(中) ★ 異質多核心系統
★ 暫時性錯誤
★ 老化效應
★ 任務副本
關鍵字(英) ★ Heterogeneous multicore system
★ Transient error
★ Aging effects
★ Task replication
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iv
Table of Contents 1
Table of Figures 3
Table of Tables 5
Chapter 1 Introduction 6
1.1 Background 7
1.2 Reliability Issues on Multicore System 9
1.3 Contributions 11
Chapter 2 Preliminaries 13
2.1 Heterogenous Multicore System 13
2.2 Transient Fault in Reliability Issue 15
2.3 Aging Effect in Reliability Issue 16
2.4 Previous works 18
Chapter 3 Problem Formulation 23
3.1 Heterogenous Multicore System with Real-time Task Model 23
3.2 Reliability Model on the Heterogenous Multicore System 27
3.3 Problem Modeling 29
Chapter 4 Framework 31
4.1 Framework overview 31
4.2 Task Classification 34
4.3 Core Status Evaluation 35
4.4 Task scheduling 36
4.5 Replication Number and Operating Frequency Decision 38
4.6 Task to core assignment 44
4.7 System Execution Evaluator 47
4.8 Time Complexity 48
Chapter 5 Experiment Setup 49
5.1 Lifetime Comparison 51
5.2 Energy Comparison 53
5.3 Process Variation 55
5.4 Impact of β on Lifetime and Energy Consumption 58
Chapter 6 Conclusions 60
Reference 61
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指導教授 陳聿廣(Yu-Guang Chen) 審核日期 2024-6-18
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