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姓名 張芮瑄(Jui-Hsuan Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 整合 SOR 模型與情感分析於 YouTube 頻道之社會影響力管理策略分析
(Integrating SOR Model and Sentiment Analysis to Analyze Social Influence Management Strategy of YouTube Channels)
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摘要(中) 隨著社群媒體成為大眾接收新資訊的主要管道之一,品牌的社會影響力管理相較於以往變得更重要。許多企業和YouTuber在YouTube平台上進行內容行銷,希望提升品牌的社會影響力。這不僅能夠影響觀眾的購買決策,還可以提升品牌忠誠度。目前關於社會影響力的研究很少關注不同的YouTube頻道管理策略對社會影響力的影響。對於那些想要增加社會影響力的企業或個人品牌來說,缺乏一些明確的商業策略建議。本研究建立了新的YouTube資料集,結合情緒分析,將SOR模型應用於社會影響力管理策略,以社群品牌屬性為刺激(S),觀眾情緒為有機體(O),訂閱數成長率為反應(R),分析YouTube頻道管理策略對觀眾情緒的影響,以及觀眾情緒對社會影響力的影響。此外,也分析了企業品牌和個人品牌之社群頻道管理策略差異。結果顯示頻道年齡和影片標題情緒對觀眾情緒有顯著的影響,並且觀眾情緒對於社群影響力有顯著的影響。最後,這項研究為想要增加線上社會影響力的品牌提供了 YouTube 商業策略的明確建議。
摘要(英) As social media has become one of the main channels for the public to receive new information, brand social influence management is more important than in the past. Many companies and YouTubers conduct content marketing on the YouTube platform, hoping to enhance the brand′s social influence. This can not only influence the audience’s purchasing decisions, but also enhance brand loyalty. Current research on social influence rarely pays attention to the impact of different YouTube channel management strategies on social influence. For those businesses or personal brands that want to increase their social influence, they lack some clear business strategy suggestions. This study establishes a new YouTube dataset, combines sentiment analysis, and applies the SOR model to social influence management strategies, using social brand attributes as stimuli (S), audience emotions as organisms (O), and subscription growth rate as reaction (R), analyze the impact of YouTube channel management strategies on audience emotions, and the impact of audience emotions on social influence. In addition, the difference of social channel management strategies between corporate brands and personal brands was also analyzed. The results show that channel age and sentiment of videos title have significant impact on audience emotions. And audience emotions have significant impact on social influence. Finally, this study provides clear suggestions for brands that want to increase their social influence.
關鍵字(中) ★ YouTube
★ 社群品牌
★ 社會影響力
★ 情感分析
★ SOR 模型
關鍵字(英) ★ YouTube
★ Social Branding
★ Social Influence
★ Sentiment Analysis
★ SOR Model
論文目次 Chinese Abstract................................i
English Abstract...............................ii
Table of Contents..............................iv
List of Figures................................vi
List of Tables................................vii
I. Introduction............................1
1-1 Research Background and Motivation......1
1-1-1 Content Marketing on Social Media.......1
1-1-2 Social Influence on YouTube.............3
1-1-3 User Generated Content..................4
1-1-4 SOR Model...............................5
1-2 Research Objectives.....................6
1-3 Research Structure......................8
II. Literature Review......................10
2-1 Social Influence.......................10
2-2 Sentiment Analysis.....................15
2-2-1 Dictionary-based.......................15
2-2-2 Machine Learning-based.................16
2-2-3 Deep Learning-based....................16
2-3 SOR Model..............................18
III. Methodology............................20
3-1 Research Framework.....................20
3-2 Data collection........................25
3-3 Data preprocessing.....................33
3-4 Sentiment Analysis.....................36
IV. Research Results and Discussion........37
4-1 Descriptive Statistical Analysis Results.37
4-2 Simple Regression Analysis.............41
4-3 Structural Equation Modeling Analysis..46
4-3-1 Bootstrap Method.......................46
4-3-2 Moderating Effect Analysis of Brand Type.47
V. Research Conclusion and Contribution...48
5-1 Conclusion and Contribution............48
5-2 Limitation and Future Research.........49
VI. Reference..............................50
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指導教授 曾筱珽(Hsiao-Ting Tseng) 審核日期 2024-8-22
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