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姓名 戴士凱(Shih-Kai Tai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 擴增實境科學實驗環境對學生合作科學探究成效之影響
(The Impact of Augmented Reality of Science Laboratory Environment on Students’ Collaborative Science Inquiry Effectiveness)
★ 以視覺為主的遊戲空間輔助全身性學習★ 以數位教室環境增進同步遠距教學之臨場感
★ 以行動載具支援並分析合作式的探索活動★ 以混合實境支援工作臺協同探究學習
★ 使用資料探勘輔助學習者探索大型資料庫—學習者經驗之研究★ 以貢獻與聯結為基礎之社會知識創造模型—一個資源與概念合作聯結工具
★ 互動式計算桌面環境對於合作學習的優缺點★ 以共享螢幕及群組軟體支援一對一環境下面對面的合作網路探索
★ 合作學習使用網際網路: 學習腳本在面對面網路合作探索的影響★ 兒童使用超媒體的Web2.0創作故事平台之探究--衍生與重組
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★ 使用群組軟體與共同螢幕進行一對一合作網路探索活動★ 以Cyber-Physical環境支援程式設計學習之探究
★ 跨領域合作設計活動之互動分析:群組軟體的支援與設計★ 不同成就學生於模擬遊戲環境中程式學習效果之探究
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摘要(中) 隨著擴增實境技術的進步,其在科學教育中的應用越來越廣泛,特別是對於抽象的科學概念的學習成效較佳,如電學、光學和電磁學。過去的研究顯示,擴增實境學習環境可以提升學生的學習成效、內在動機和自我效能,並降低外在認知負荷。本研究旨在探討高沉浸式擴增實境頭戴式顯示器(HoloLens 2)與實體光學儀器結合的學習環境,對學生在「光的折射—凸透鏡的成像」科學主題上的學習效果。研究對象為58名國中一年級學生,分為擴增實境實驗組(26人)和實體光學儀器控制組(32人),進行兩人一組的實驗。本研究收集了學生的光學概念學習單、光學概念測驗前後測、認知負荷問卷以及學習動機問卷前後測,並分析擴增實境環境對學習成效、內在認知負荷、外在認知負荷、增生認知負荷和學習動機中內在動機、自我效能的影響。同時,透過錄影和錄音分析學生在擴增實境環境下合作科學探究的過程。結果顯示,實驗組在學習成效上整體顯著優於控制組,特別是在遷移學習方面;在認知負荷和學習動機方面,內在認知負荷顯著低於控制組;內在動機和自我效能則是兩組皆無顯著差異。此外,影片分析發現擴增實境環境能幫助學生建構科學概念並促進合作學習,但討論程度因人而異,且存在資訊不同步的限制。最後,本研究提供未來系統功能優化及實驗活動設計的建議。總體而言,本研究建置了一個輔助中學生學習抽象科學概念的擴增實境科學實驗環境雛形,幫助學生在觀察與合作中建構科學概念,培養科學探究的能力。
摘要(英) With the advancement of augmented reality (AR) technology, its application in science education has become increasingly widespread, particularly in enhancing the understanding of abstract scientific concepts such as electricity, optics, and electromagnetism. Previous research has shown that AR learning environments can improve students′ learning outcomes, intrinsic motivation, and self-efficacy while reducing extraneous cognitive load. This study aims to explore the effectiveness of a learning environment combining a highly immersive AR headset (HoloLens 2) with physical optical instruments on students′ understanding of the scientific topic "Refraction of Light—Imaging with Convex Lenses." The participants were 58 first-year middle school students divided into an AR experimental group (26 students) and a physical optical instrument control group (32 students), working in pairs. The study collected data through optical concept worksheets, pre-and post-tests on optical concepts, cognitive load questionnaires, and pre-and post-tests on learning motivation. It analyzed the effects of the AR environment on learning outcomes, intrinsic cognitive load, extraneous cognitive load, germane cognitive load, and components of learning motivation, including intrinsic motivation and self-efficacy. Additionally, the study involved video and audio analyses of students′ collaborative scientific inquiry processes in the AR environment. The results showed that the experimental group significantly outperformed the control group in overall learning outcomes, especially in transfer learning. The intrinsic cognitive load was significantly lower in the experimental group compared to the control group. At the same time, there were no significant differences in intrinsic motivation and self-efficacy between the two groups. Furthermore, video analysis revealed that the AR environment facilitated the construction of scientific concepts and promoted collaborative learning, though the level of discussion varied among individuals, and there were limitations due to information asynchrony. Finally, the study provides suggestions for future system functionality improvements and experimental activity design. Overall, this study establishes a prototype of an AR science experiment environment that supports middle school students in learning abstract scientific concepts, helping them construct scientific understanding through observation, collaboration, and fostering their scientific inquiry skills.
關鍵字(中) ★ 擴增實境
★ 合作科學探究
★ 認知負荷
★ 內在動機
★ 自我效能
關鍵字(英) ★ augmented reality
★ collaborative science inquiry
★ cognitive load
★ intrinsic motivation
★ self-efficacy
論文目次 摘要..........I
第一章 緒論..........1
1.1 研究背景與動機..........1
1.2 研究目的與問題..........3
1.3 名詞解釋..........3
1.3.1 擴增實境(Augmented Reality, AR)..........3
1.3.2 合作科學探究(Collaborative Science Inquiry)..........4
1.3.3 認知負荷(Cognitive Load)..........4
1.3.4 內在動機(Intrinsic Motivation)..........4
1.3.5 自我效能(Self-Efficacy)..........4
1.4 論文架構..........5
第二章 文獻探討..........6
2.1 擴增實境在科學探究上的應用..........6
2.2 擴增實境學習環境對學習成效的影響..........9
2.3 擴增實境學習環境下的認知負荷..........10
2.4 擴增實境學習環境對學習動機的影響..........11
第三章 系統設計..........13
3.1 系統特色..........13
3.2 系統介紹..........14
3.2.1 實體光學儀器..........15
3.2.2 HoloLens 2..........16
3.2.3 物理模擬輔助學習應用程式..........17 基本功能 (光路開關、輔助資訊)..........20 提示..........22 小測驗 (小評量)..........24
3.3 系統架構..........27
第四章 研究方法..........29
4.1 研究流程..........29
4.2 研究對象..........31
4.3 實驗設計..........32
4.4 研究工具..........34
4.4.1 光學概念學習單..........34
4.4.2 光學概念測驗..........35
4.4.3 認知負荷問卷..........36
4.4.4 學習動機問卷前、後測..........36
4.5 資料蒐集與分析..........37
4.5.1 學習成效..........37
4.5.2 認知負荷..........41
4.5.3 學習動機..........41
4.5.4 擴增實境環境下之科學探究互動分析..........42
第五章 結果與討論..........43
5.1 光學概念學習成效..........44
5.1.1 光學概念學習單..........44
5.1.2 光學概念測驗..........48 光學概念測驗各小題..........50 光學概念測驗概念選擇題..........52 光學概念測驗畫圖題..........53
5.2 認知負荷問卷分析..........55
5.2.1 內在認知負荷..........55
5.2.2 外在認知負荷..........57
5.2.3 增生認知負荷..........58
5.3 學習動機問卷分析..........59
5.3.1 內在動機..........59
5.3.2 自我效能..........63
5.4 擴增實境環境下之科學探究互動分析..........67
5.4.1 案例一..........67
5.4.2 案例二..........75
第六章 結論與建議..........92
6.1 結論..........92
6.1.1 擴增實境環境下學生之光學概念學習成效表現?..........92
6.1.2 擴增實境環境是否影響學生對科學探究之認知負荷?..........93
6.1.3 擴增實境環境是否影響學生對科學探究之學習動機?..........93
6.1.4 學生如何在擴增實境環境下進行科學探究?..........94
6.2 未來建議..........95
附錄A 光學概念學習單(實驗組)..........102
附錄B 光學概念學習單(控制組)..........104
附錄C 光學概念測驗..........106
附錄D 認知負荷問卷..........109
附錄E 學習動機問卷(前測)..........110
附錄F 學習動機問卷(後測)..........112
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指導教授 劉晨鐘(Chen-Chung Liu) 審核日期 2024-8-8
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