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姓名 宋冠賦(Kuan-Fu Sung)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 兩相微流道蒸發器熱傳性能增強研究
(Experimental Study on Flow Boiling Heat Transfer Enhancement in Microchannel Heat Exchangers)
★ 冷卻水溫度與冰水溫度對離心式冰水主機性能影響之實驗分析★ 不同結構與幾何形狀對熱管性能之影響
★ HFC-134a與HFO-1234yf 在板式熱交換器中流動沸騰之性能比較★ 油冷卻器熱傳與壓降性能實驗分析
★ 水對冷媒R22在板式熱交換器內之性能測試分析★ 水對水在不同板片型式之板式熱交換器性能測試分析與比較
★ 油冷卻器性能測試分析與比較★ 空調機用水簾式暨光觸媒空氣清淨機 研製及測試
★ 水對空氣在板式熱交換器之性能測試分析★ 板片入出口及入出口管路壓降估計對板式熱交換器壓降性能影響分析
★ 微熱交換器之設計與性能測試★ 板式熱交換器之入出口壓降實驗分析
★ 液體冷卻系統中之微熱交換器性能分析與改良★ 直接模擬蒙地卡羅法於高低速流場之模擬
★ 液體微熱交換器之熱傳增強研究★ 冷媒R22在板式熱交換器內之凝結熱傳及壓降性能實驗分析
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摘要(中) 近年來,隨著伺服器及電腦工作站的效能快速提升,氣體及液體冷卻系統在未來已無法滿足高端電子產品散熱的應用,兩相蒸發冷卻將成為未來高功率電子設備冷卻之最佳解決方案。然而在應用上,兩相蒸發冷卻在蒸發器中產生氣泡回流及流動不穩定之現象,會使得液體無法補充至流道而造成局部乾涸,影響整體熱傳性能。因此如何解決微流道蒸發器內之汽泡回流成為兩相蒸發冷卻系統是否可實用化的關鍵。本研究透過漸擴流道及微多孔塗層兩種熱傳增強方式,降低氣泡回流現象並提高熱傳性能,製作適用於兩相冷卻系統所需之高性能微流道蒸發器。蒸發器流道型式包含直線雙通、漸擴雙通及直線單通,使用工作流體HFC-245fa並分別對每種蒸發器進行微多孔塗層與否,觀察其前後熱傳性能差異比較。實驗結果顯示在沒有微多孔塗層下之蒸發器以雙通漸擴流道性能表現最佳,其與直線單通蒸發器相比熱傳性能增加了34.2%。從可視化觀察結果顯示漸擴流道在高瓦數時能有效抑制氣泡回流發生,延緩乾涸現象在微流道中發生。當微多孔層塗佈於蒸發器時,因微多孔層內氣泡成核密度增加,使得大量氣泡產生於加熱表面上並帶走大量的熱。在三種微多孔塗層蒸發器中,以單通直線之熱傳系性能表現最好,特別是在塗層厚度為52 m的時候。在微多孔塗佈厚度為98 m時,其熱傳性能增加41% ~ 90%,然而在微多孔塗佈52 m時,其熱傳性能增加65% ~ 148%,且微多孔塗佈對蒸發器壓降影響可以忽略。此兩種熱傳增強方式皆可適用於兩相蒸發冷卻系統,若欲使用表面熱傳增強,則可選擇將微多孔層塗佈於單通直線流道上。若單純使用鰭片製作微流道蒸發器,則可以考慮雙通漸擴流道。
摘要(英) This study explored the flow boiling heat transfer enhancement using refrigerant HFC-245fa in microchannel heat exchangers. Various heat transfer enhancement techniques were discussed and applied to different flow configurations, including 2-pass diverging microchannel, 2-pass straight microchannel, and 1-pass straight microchannel. The results showed that the 2-pass diverging microchannel heat exchanger without coating exhibited the highest heat transfer performance, displaying a 20% increase in heat transfer compared to other configurations. Visualization techniques were employed to validate these test results. Upon applying a porous coating to the heat exchangers, straight microchannel in both 1-pass and 2-pass configurations showed superior heat transfer performance. A 52 μm coating led to enhancements ranging from 65% to 148% compared to a smooth surface, while a 98 μm coating resulted in enhancements of 41% to 90% across different flow rates. Importantly, porous coating thickness had no significant impact on flow boiling pressure drops. For two-phase cooling systems, it is advisable to use 2-pass diverging microchannel without coating or add a 52 μm porous coating to 1-pass straight microchannel. Porous coating emerges as a highly promising technique for enhancing flow boiling heat transfer in two-phase microchannel heat exchanger.
關鍵字(中) ★ 兩相熱傳
★ 微流道蒸發器
★ 微多孔表面
★ 漸擴流道
★ 流譜
★ HFC-245fa
關鍵字(英) ★ Flow boiling heat transfer
★ Microchannel heat exchanger
★ 2-pass diverging
★ Microporous coating
★ Flow pattern
★ HFC-245fa
論文目次 Table of Contents
Chinese Abstract i
English Abstract ii
Table of Contents iii
List of Figures vi
List of Tables xiii
Explanation of Symbols xv
Chapter Ⅰ. Introduction 1
1-1  Thermal Challenges in IT Industry and Power Electronics 1
1-2  State-of-the-art in Electronic Cooling 5
1-3  Heat Transfer Performance and Flow Reversal in Microchannel 10
1-4  Published Papers on Flow Boiling in Microchannel 12
1-5  Research Objective 15
Chapter Ⅱ. Literature Review 16
2-1  Flow Boiling in Macrochannel and Microchannel 16
2-2  Bubble Confinement and Flow Reversal Problem 17
2-2-1 Bubble Confinement 17
2-2-2 Flow Reversal Problem 19
2-3  Flow Boiling Heat Transfer Enhancement 22
2-3-1 Fin Structures 22
2-3-2 Expanding Flow Area 26
2-3-3 Artificial Nucleation Site 33
2-3-4 Porous Coating 36
2-4  Summary 40
Chapter Ⅲ. Experimental Method and Apparatus 44
3-1  Diverging Channel Design and Test Section 44
3-1-1 Diverging Channel Design 44
3-1-2 Test Section (Flow Boiling Experiment) 48
3-1-3 Test Section (Visualization) 52
3-2  Microporous Coating and Test Section 55
3-3  Experimental System and Apparatus 59
3-3-1 Experimental System 59
3-3-2 Experimental Apparatus 61
3-3-3 Experimental Procedure 62
Chapter Ⅳ. Experimental Results and Discussion 66
4-1  Single-Phase Heat Transfer 67
4-2  Parallel Straight Microchannel 67
4-2-1 Flow Boiling Heat Transfer 67
4-2-2 Flow Boiling Pressure Drop 69
4-3  2-pass Straight and Diverging Microchannel 73
4-3-1 Flow Boiling Heat Transfer 73
4-3-2 Comparison of Flow Boiling Heat Transfer 77
4-3-3 Comparison of Flow Boiling Pressure Drop 81
4-4  Parallel Straight Microchannel (Porous Coating) 84
4-4-1 Flow Boiling Heat Transfer 84
4-4-2 Effect of Coating Layer Thickness on Flow Boiling Heat Transfer 86
4-4-3 Effect of Coating Layer Thickness on Flow Boiling Pressure Drop 91
4-5  2-pass Straight and Diverging Microchannel (Porous Coating) 93
4-5-1 Flow Boiling Heat Transfer 93
4-5-2 Comparison of Flow Boiling Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop 97
4-5-3 Comparison of Coating and Non-Coating 101
4-6  Comparison of Thermal Performance in All Heat Exchangers 108
Chapter Ⅴ. Flow Visualization Results and Discussion 118
5-1  2-pass Heat Exchangers 118
5-1-1 Definition of Flow Patterns 118
5-1-2 Effect of Flow Rates on Diverging Microchannel 119
5-1-3 Flow Pattern Differences and Related Heat Transfer Performance 127
5-2  Characteristic of Bubble Flow Reversal Behavior 133
5-2-1 Number of Flow Reversal Channels 134
5-2-2 Flow Reversal Distribution 137
5-3  2-pass Coating Heat Exchangers 140
5-3-1 Number of Flow Reversal Channels 140
5-3-2 Flow Reversal Distribution 143
Chapter Ⅵ. Conclusion 146
Bibliography 147
Appendix Ⅰ. Bubble Flow Reversal in a Microchannel 155
Appendix Ⅱ. Microporous Coating Fabrication 161
Appendix Ⅲ. The Uncertainties of the Experimental Apparatus 163
Appendix Ⅳ. The Uncertainty Analysis of the Experimental Data 169
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指導教授 楊建裕(Chien-Yuh Yang) 審核日期 2024-4-29
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