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姓名 葉伯樂(Abdullah Syafiq) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 機械工程學系 論文名稱 乾式真空幫浦之變導程螺桿轉子動平衡研究
(A Study on Dynamic Balancing of Variable-pitch Screw Rotors for Dry Vacuum Pumps)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式] [Bibtex 格式] [相關文章] [文章引用] [完整記錄] [館藏目錄] 至系統瀏覽論文 (2026-7-8以後開放) 摘要(中) 如今,轉子真空幫浦在許多工業領域中廣泛被使用,像是汽車、製藥、食品、化學
法,皆利用最佳化模組 Global Optimization Tools 進行求解,並可以快速地計算出最佳
到 ISO-1940,並且可以應用在不同輪廓和形狀的變導程螺桿轉子上。摘要(英) Nowadays, many industries such as automotive, pharmaceutical, food, and chemical have
applied vacuum pumps with screw rotors. The most important part of a vacuum pump is the
rotor itself. The main problem with a rotating rotor is that it is unbalanced. Current researches
are developing screw rotors with variable pitch because of their advantage in improving rotor
efficiencies. However, it will increase the dynamic unbalance of the rotor. That is why dynamic
balance is needed to maintain the pump′s performance and service life. Based on previous
research, this study purposed to determine the dynamic balancing method on variable pitch
screw rotors with two different methods. The first method is to divide the existing rotor into
several segments virtually to define the mass and centroid of each segment. It can be used for
the unbalance calculation. After that, the results of the unbalanced calculation are used to
determine the cavity shape, mass, and position. The second method involves a variable pitch
curve model with three different segments to remove the inertia moment and achieve dynamic
balance conditions. Global Optimization Tools were used to get both proposed methods′ best
results and time efficiently. Both proposed methods can achieve the balanced rigid rotor
standard ISO-1940, and it is possible to implement these methods on screw rotor variable pitch
with different rotor profiles and shapes.關鍵字(中) ★ 動平衡
★ 乾式真空幫浦
★ 螺桿轉子
★ 變導程
★ 最佳化關鍵字(英) ★ Dynamic Balance
★ Dry Vacuum Pump
★ Screw Rotor
★ Variable Pitch
★ Global Optimization Tools論文目次 Tabel of Contents
Acknowledgment................................................................................................................... IV
Tabel of Contents....................................................................................................................V
List of figures........................................................................................................................VII
List of tables........................................................................................................................... IX
Nomenclature ........................................................................................................................ XI
1. Introduction......................................................................................................................1
1.1 Research Background..................................................................................................1
1.2 Literature Review........................................................................................................2
1.3 Research Objective......................................................................................................5
1.4 Thesis Overview..........................................................................................................6
2. Screw Rotor with Variable Pitch Dynamic Balancing Design.....................................7
2.1 Screw Rotor Design ....................................................................................................7
2.2 Principle of Dynamic Balancing Correction ...............................................................9
2.3 Dynamic Balancing Method......................................................................................10
2.4 Dynamic Balance Level Specifications.....................................................................14
2.5 Establishment of Adams Simulation Configuration..................................................17
3. Cavity Rotor Design and Optimization Tools.............................................................20
3.1 Mathematical Cavity Design.....................................................................................20
3.2 Global Optimization Tools........................................................................................24
4. Analysis of Rotor Dynamic Balancing Calculation.....................................................27
4.1 Dynamic Balancing Calculation Result ....................................................................27
4.2 Dynamic Balancing Calculation Result with Global Optimization Tools................31
4.3 Adams Simulation Result..........................................................................................33
5. Variable Pitch Curve Modification ..............................................................................39
5.1 Establishment of Variable Pitch Curve .....................................................................39
5.1.1 One Segment of Variable Pitch Curve...............................................................40
5.1.2 Two Segments of Variable Pitch Curve.............................................................41
5.1.3 Three Segments of Variable Pitch Curve...........................................................43
5.2 Numerical Example of Variable Pitch Curve Modification......................................44
5.2.1 Segment Adjustment...............................................................................................45
5.2.2 Variable Pitch Function Optimization ...................................................................51
5.2.3 Optimization Adjustment........................................................................................55
6. Conclusion and Future Outlook ...................................................................................56
6.1 Conclusion .....................................................................................................................56
6.2 Future Outlook...............................................................................................................57
Reference ................................................................................................................................58
Personal vitae .........................................................................................................................61參考文獻 [1] Y.R. Wu and V.T. Tran,"Generation method for a novel Roots rotor profile to
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