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姓名 林伯紘(Bo-Hung Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 異質接合尼龍6與連續碳纖維纏繞之鋁合金嵌件包覆射出成型研究
(Heterogeneous bonding of polyamide 6 and continuous carbon fibers winding aluminum alloy inserts for over-molding injection)
★ 田口分析法驗證射出參數對光碟機面板翹曲變形量之研究★ 聚丙烯射出成型品表面具抗沾黏特性之研究
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★ Zienkiewicz動態多孔彈性力學模型之穩定性探討★ 外加磁場輔助射出成型對於導電高分子複合材料的磁性纖維配向與導電度之實驗與模擬
★ 骨板與骨釘之參數模型應用於股骨骨折術前規劃★ 光學鏡片模具之異型水路最佳化設計
★ 傳統骨板與解剖骨板對於固定Sanders II-B型跟骨骨折力學分析★ 以線性迴歸分析驗證射出成型縫合角與抗拉強度呈正相關
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★ 聚碳酸酯與碳纖維複合材料之射出參數對於縫合線強度之研究★ 運用田口方法分析ABS塑膠材料之射出成型參數對拉伸強度的影響
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摘要(中) 現今講求輕量且兼具高強度性能之產品在市面上已越發常見,在眾多
此本次研究將探討以射出成型將異質材料接合之製程,首先會以SolidWorks設計嵌件,再使用Moldex3D軟體模擬分析連續碳纖維經過熔膠充填所造成的偏移,而後使用塑料尼龍6 (Nylon 6)又稱聚醯胺6(Polyamide 6, PA6)與鋁嵌件以射出成型的製造方式,將兩相異質材料做結合以減少二次加工達到取長補短的效果,擺脫傳統接合的方式並發揮其特點,此外還會加入連續碳纖維(continuous carbon fibers)強化複合材料以提升試片之性能,最後以拉伸試驗測試試片之抗拉強度再進行分析與探討。
由Moldex3D 模擬結果可知連續碳纖維X型纏繞鋁嵌件的製作方式可
為延性的PA6 發生改變,鋁嵌件的存在也影響熔膠的流動進而導致過多的
摘要(英) The demand for high-strength lightweight products has become increasingly common in the market. Among various materials, plastics are known for their light weight, low cost, and ease of forming, while metals offer high strength and good thermal conductivity, making them widely used in
industries. Therefore, this study explores the process of combination of heterogeneous materials through injection molding. Initially, components are designed using SolidWorks, followed by simulation and analysis using
Moldex3D software to examine the displacement caused by continuous carbon fibers during the melt-filling process. Subsequently, Nylon 6, also known as Polyamide 6 (PA6), and aluminum components are manufactured using the
injection molding process to combine the two dissimilar materials, aiming to reduce secondary processing and leverage their respective advantages.Additionally, continuous carbon fibers are incorporated into the composite
material to enhance the performance of the specimens. Finally, tensile tests are conducted to analyze and discuss the specimens’ tensile strength.
The Moldex3D simulation results demonstrate the feasibility of the process involving continuous carbon fibers wound at X type around aluminum components, effectively securing the fibers to the components and preventing displacement flaws in the specimens. The experimental process used in this study involves insert molding in over-molding injection, where continuous
carbon fibers are wound onto aluminum components to form performance parts,which are then placed in the mold cavity and filled with plastic. Upon completion of the molding process, parameters are determined using the Taguchi
method with an L9(34) orthogonal array. After the specimens are produced,tensile tests are conducted.
The final tensile test results show that PA6 reinforced with continuous carbon fibers exhibits a slight increase in tensile strength compared to pure PA6.Moreover, the presence of brittle continuous carbon fibers in the specimen alters
the ductile nature of PA6. The presence of aluminum inserts also affects the flow of the melt, leading to excessive residual stresses around the inserts, ultimately
resulting in fracture within that region during tensile testing. These findings are expected to be a reference for optimizing the process in future research.
關鍵字(中) ★ 包覆成型
★ 嵌件成型
★ 異質材料結合
★ 連續碳纖維
★ PA6
關鍵字(英) ★ Over-molding
★ Insert molding
★ Combination of heterogeneous materials
★ Continuous Carbon Fiber
★ PA6
論文目次 摘要.......................................................I
 1-1 前言.................................................1
 1-2 文獻回顧.............................................2
 1-3 研究動機與目的........................................4
 1-4 研究流程.............................................5
 2-1 射出成型原理..........................................6
  2-1-1 塑化階段..........................................6
  2-1-2 充填階段..........................................6
  2-1-3 保壓階段..........................................7
  2-1-4 冷卻階段..........................................7
 2-2 嵌件射出成型..........................................8
 2-3 混合成型製程原理......................................8
 2-4 實驗設計法............................................9
 2-5 田口方法.............................................9
  2-5-1 田口式直交表......................................9
  2-5-2 訊噪比分析.......................................10
 2-6 拉伸試驗............................................12
  2-6-1 楊氏係數.........................................12
  2-6-2 抗拉強度.........................................12
  2-6-3 應力-應變曲線 ..................................13
 3-1 實驗材料............................................14
 3-2 產品設計............................................19
 3-3 實驗設備............................................24
 3-4 實驗分析軟體.........................................32
 4-1 射出成型製程參數規劃..................................33
 4-2 塑膠與連續碳纖維材料參數設定..........................35
 4-3 型芯偏移結果.........................................36
 4-4 X型纏繞模擬結果......................................40
  4-4-1 縫合線..........................................42
  4-4-2 殘留應力.........................................43
 4-5 田口法L9(34)........................................46
 4-6 兩種纏繞方式之射出成型結果............................47
  4-6-1 平行纏繞.........................................47
  4-6-2 X型纏繞.........................................49
 4-7 拉伸試驗結果.........................................50
 4-8 最佳參數組...........................................54
 4-9 最佳參數實驗結果比較..................................56
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指導教授 鍾禎元(Chen-Yuan Chung) 審核日期 2024-7-9
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