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姓名 劉晉友(Jin-You Liou)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 下顎骨板彎折之殘留應力於重建手術之生物力學影響
★ 三次元量床之虛擬儀器教學與訓練系統之設計與開發★ 駕駛模擬器技術開發及其在駕駛行為研究之應用
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摘要(中) 下顎骨為人體顏面骨中最容易破損的區域之一。近年來針對下顎骨節段性缺損使用重建骨板進行重建手術治療的應用越來越廣泛,該類手術以金屬骨板貼合斷裂區域與鎖入骨釘用來固定支撐,然而儘管金屬骨板有經過彎曲疲勞測試,但有不少病患在下顎復原時發生骨板斷裂或失效現象。重建骨板會先在術前根據患者模型初步彎折,在手術中進一步微調,以達到貼合患者的下顎骨輪廓。然而過去幾乎沒有文獻在分析彎折時產生的殘留應力及其影響,導致評估骨板耐久性時過於樂觀。
本研究由實驗取得Ti-Grade.4純鈦骨板拉伸性質,以沖壓骨板的殘留應力分析驗證骨板塑性分析的可行性。建立健康與不同缺損大小(35 mm和75 mm)的下顎骨模型,利用位移控制使骨板產生殘留應力,然後施加咬合肌力,以評估骨板有、無殘留應力對於下顎骨重建骨板系統的生物力學影響。此外,進一步探討有、無於鄰近缺損處植入骨釘與骨釘垂直或傾斜植入的差異。
摘要(英) The mandible is one of the most susceptible areas of the facial bones to damage. In recent years, the use of mandible reconstruction plate for the treatment of segmental defects of the mandible has become increasingly widespread. These surgeries involve attaching metal plates to the fractured area and securing them with screws for support. However, despite the metal plates undergoing bending fatigue tests, many patients experience plate fractures or failures during mandibular recovery. Reconstruction plate are initially bent to fit the patient’s model preoperatively and are further adjusted during surgery to fit the contour of the patient’s mandible. However, past literature rarely analyzes the residual stresses and their impacts resulting from bending, leading to overly optimistic evaluations of the plate′s durability.
This study obtained the tensile properties of Ti-Grade.4 plates through experiments and verified the feasibility of plastic analysis including residual stress analysis in stamped plates. Mandibular models with different defect sizes (35 mm and 75 mm) and a healthy model were established. Occlusal muscle forces were applied to observe the stress and strain responses of the bones. Residual stress was induced in the plates using displacement control, and then occlusal muscle forces were applied to evaluate the biomechanical impact of the plates with and without residual stress on the mandibular reconstruction system. Additionally, the effects of inserting screws near the defect site, both vertically and inclined, were investigated.
The results showed that the true stress-strain curves obtained from the experiments were similar to those in other literature. In the stamped plate analysis, although the stress varied between different software, the residual stress distribution trends were similar when the punch pressed down and retracted. The analysis of the mandibular reconstruction system revealed that the reconstructed mandible with a large defect showed a 166% increase in maximum equivalent stress and a 181% increase in strain under occlusal muscle force compared to the healthy mandible, indicating that even with plate support, the bone in the defect model endured higher stress. Moreover, there was a significant increase in stress at the bent areas of the plates, with the stress in the plate of the large defect model being higher than that in the small defect model. When residual stress was present, the plate in the small defect model experienced increased stress under occlusal muscle force, affecting the plate′s durability. In the large defect model, stress exceeded the yield strength regardless of the presence of residual stress, indicating a high likelihood of plate fracture in cases of significant mandibular defects without fibula reconstruction. When screws were inserted near the defect site, the equivalent strain around the screws was higher than in models without screws, with the highest strain observed in screws inserted at a 10-degree inclination, showing that both the insertion of screws and the insertion angle affect overall stability. Limitations of this study include inconsistent widths in the plate model, the absence of threads in the screw model, the lack of a temporomandibular joint model, and uncertainties in the location and magnitude of prestress in the plates, which require further investigation.
關鍵字(中) ★ 下顎重建手術
★ 重建骨板
★ 有限元素分析
★ 殘留應力
★ 生物力學響應
關鍵字(英) ★ Mandibular Reconstruction Surgery
★ Reconstruction Plates
★ Finite Element Analysis
★ Residual Stress
★ Biomechanical Response
論文目次 摘要 i
誌謝 v
目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 ix
符號說明 xiii
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 下顎骨構造介紹 3
1-2-1 下顎骨 3
1-2-2 顳顎關節 4
1-2-3 下顎骨咬合肌群 5
1-3 下顎缺損治療方法 7
1-4 常見重建骨板類型與其使用問題 11
1-5 研究目的 15
1-6 本文架構 16
第二章 文獻回顧 18
2-1下顎骨節段性缺損之重建的臨床研究 18
2-2 有限元素分析 20
2-2-1 下顎骨頭之材料特性 20
2-2-2 下顎骨板之生物力學分析 21
2-3 骨板斷裂原因探討 24
2-4 下顎骨之骨頭厚度 26
第三章 研究方法 30
3-1 拉伸實驗 32
3-2 下顎骨與重建骨板模型建立 37
3-2-1 Amira影像處理 37
3-2-2 網格處理 39
3-2-3 實體下顎骨模型 40
3-2-4 重建骨板與骨釘模型 42
3-3 下顎骨板之有限元素分析 43
3-3-1有限元素法分析步驟 44
3-3-2材料性質設定 44
3-3-3元素及網格設定 45
3-3-4接觸與邊界條件設定 47
3-3-5分析結果之指標選用 52
3-3-6收斂性分析 53
3-4 沖壓成形之有限元素分析 54
第四章 結果與討論 56
4-1 拉伸實驗結果 56
4-2 ANSYS與QForm軟體在塑性變形分析之比較 60
4-3 網格收斂分析 65
4-4 咬合時之生物力學響應 68
4-4-1 骨頭之最大等效應力、應變與變形量 68
4-4-2 骨板未考量殘留應力之結果 76
4-4-3 骨板考量殘留應力之結果 79
4-5 骨板彎折後有、無復位之生物力學響應 90
4-6 鄰近骨缺損截面附近植入骨釘之生物力學響應 92
4-6-1 骨釘影響周圍骨頭生物力學之結果 92
4-6-2 骨釘不同植入角度之骨板力學指標結果 96
4-6-3 骨釘指標觀察 97
第五章 結論與未來研究方向 99
5-1 結論 99
5-2 未來研究方向 101
參考文獻 103
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指導教授 黃俊仁(Jiun-Ren Hwang) 審核日期 2024-7-26
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