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姓名 周慈萱(Tzu-Hsien Chou)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系在職專班
論文名稱 深太空輻射探測儀的靜態和動態分析
(Static and Dynamic Analysis of The Deep Space Radiation Probe)
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摘要(中) 由國立中央大學師生開發的深太空輻射探測儀(Deep Space Radiation Probe, 簡稱DSRP)準備加入日本民間ispace的Hakuto-R Mission 2(M2)登月任務,將過去累積的IDEASSat任務開發經驗結合加以改良的游離輻射容忍度,深入了解太空輻射環境對立方衛星的影響。本論文聚焦於使用有限元素分析(FEA)軟體ANSYS Workbench和電腦輔助設計(CAD)軟體SolidWorks對該酬載工程體進行數值模擬分析,包含線性靜態的等效應力、等效應變和總變形分析,以及線性動態的自然頻率、模態與隨機振動分析。為了對比兩種不同類型軟體的模擬功能,本研究將動態模擬結果與先前研究中之振動實驗的結果進行比對和驗證,模擬結果與實驗結果大致吻合。但發現SolidWorks較適合初學者創建零組件,其內建的有限元素求解器在材料和網格的選擇上較少,導致分析時間較短,結果也較不精確;而ANSYS Workbench則具備混合式網格劃分和精確的準靜態模擬選項,其數值模擬結果與先前研究中的實驗結果一致性頗高,顯示其準確性。此分析技術與經驗可以提供小型酬載更準確的數值數據和更方便的模擬程序,此外,本研究也針對未來深太空輻射探測儀飛行體提出對應的結構改善方案。
摘要(英) The Deep Space Radiation Probe (DSRP) developed by the students and faculty of National Central University is scheduled to land on the Moon with ispace Hakuto-R Mission 2 (M2). It is hoped to characterize the deep space radiation environment to quantify its effect on spacecraft electronics and biological organisms. This thesis project concentrates on comparing numerical analysis solutions of the DSRP engineering model, using finite element analysis (FEA) software ANSYS Workbench and computer-aided design (CAD) software SolidWorks. The studied events are focused on the linear quasi-static analysis of equivalent stress, equivalent strain, and total deformation, as well as, linear dynamic analysis of natural frequencies, mode shapes, and random vibration. The idea is to understand better the functions and results produced by the two types of software and to utilize the results to determine the possible improvement for future DSRP structural design. The numerical results of natural frequencies and mode shapes, and random vibration analysis are verified using experimental vibration testing results from the previous studies. A comparison between the two analysis tools shows that SolidWorks is intended to allow relatively inexperienced users to quickly and easily create 3D parts. Its built-in FEA solver has a relatively simpler material library and meshing techniques. However, ANSYS Workbench has hybrid meshing and quasi-static options which can provide more accurate and consistent FEA solutions. Using models built from SolidWorks in linear static and dynamic analysis in ANSYS Workbench for future small payloads will save the design team the stress of manufacturing multiple models before the system gets qualified.
關鍵字(中) ★ 深太空輻射探測儀
★ 有限元素分析
★ ANSYS Workbench
★ SolidWorks
★ 線性靜態
★ 線性動態
關鍵字(英) ★ Deep Space Radiation Probe
★ finite element analysis
★ ANSYS Workbench
★ SolidWorks
★ quasi-static analysis
★ linear dynamic analysis
論文目次 摘要 ................................................. i
Abstract ......................................... ii
誌謝 ............................................... iii
Table Of Contents ....................... iv
List Of Figures ............................. vi
List Of Tables............................................... xviii
Chapter 1. Introduction ................ 1
1-1 Loads on The Spacecraft Structure ........... 2
1-2 Vibration Testing of Spacecraft Structures ....................................... 4
1-3 Quasi-Static Testing of Spacecraft Structures .................................. 6
1-4 Introduction to Deep Space Radiation Probe ................................... 7
1-5 The DSRP Engineering and Flight Models ...................................... 9
Chapter 2. Theory of Mechanical Vibrations ....................................... 12
2-1 Introduction ......................... 12
2-2 Dynamic Analysis ............... 13
2-2-1 Equations and Solution Procedures of Dynamic Analysis ... 15
2-2-2 Natural Frequencies and Mode Shapes ................................. 16
2-2-3 Modal Analysis................... 18
2-2-4 Damping ....................... 19
2-3 Random Vibration.......................... 20
2-4 Quasi-Static Analysis.......................... 23
Chapter 3. Procedures of Static and Dynamic Analysis Using Numerical Simulation .................... 24
3-1 Finite Element Method And Simulation Procedures ...................... 25
3-1-1 Finite Element Models Establishment .................................. 26
3-1-2 Material Selection .............. 30
3-1-3 Loadings of Structural Analysis ............................................ 33
3-1-4 Boundary Conditions ...... 34
3-1-5 Mesh Convergence Study ..................................................... 42
3-2 Quasi-Static Analysis........................ 42
3-2-1 Static Structural Analysis in Ansys ....................................... 42
3-2-2 Static Analysis in Solidworks ............................................... 53
3-3 Dynamic Analysis-Natural Frequencies And Mode Shapes. 66
3-3-1 Modal Analysis in Ansys .... 66
3-3-2 Frequency Analysis in Solidworks ................. 78
3-4 Dynamic Analysis-Random Vibrations ................ 89
3-4-1 Random Vibration Analysis in Ansys ................................... 90
3-4-2 Random Vibration Analysis in Solidworks........... 92
Chapter 4. Vibration Tests of The Deep Space Radiation Probe ....... 95
4-1 Environmental Test Specifications .................. 96
4-2 Response of Natural Frequency Survey................ 98
4-3 Results of Random Vibration Tests.................. 100
Chapter 5. Results and Discussions..................... 101
5-1 Comparison of Finite Element Models .............. 101
5-2 Comparison of Quasi-Static Analysis in X, Y, And Z Axes ......... 110
5-3 Comparison of Numerical Simulation of Dynamic Analysis and Vibration Test Results....................... 112
5-3-1 Mode Shapes And Natural Frequencies in Z-Axis Direction . 112
5-3-2 Random Vibration in Z-Axis Direction ......... 127
Chapter 6. Conclusions and Future Developments........ 132
6-1 Conclusions....................................... 132
6-2 Future Developments .............................. 134
Bibliography ...................................................... 136
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指導教授 黃以玫 張起維(YiMei Huang Loren C. Chang) 審核日期 2024-8-17
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