摘要(英) |
Three-Dimensional Visualization and Structural Analysis of the Area around the Zhuoshui River in the Western Foothill of Taiwan
This study focuses on the area around the Zhuoshui River in the Western Foothills of Taiwan, where the Chelungpu Fault is exposed on the western side of the region, the Shuangtung Fault on the eastern side, and the Chusiang Fault in between. Since the Pleistocene orogeny, the Western Foothills of Taiwan have been subjected to northwestward compression due to forces coming from the southeast. This compression has caused the Neogene strata to fold and thrust together, forming a prominent imbricate fault system. Previous studies have established several cross-sections and create a typical ramp-flat fault model in the Western Foothills, but due to the Chusiang Fault cuts across the middle, the cross-sections at north and south of the Zhuoshui River in the Nantou Hill region do not connect well, leaving the spatial continuity and interrelations of the structures unclear. Well data also reveal that the thickness of the Kueichulin Formation varies by several tens of times across this region.
In this study, MOVE software is used as a tool for performing balanced cross-section restoration and constructing a three-dimensional geological model. The three-dimensional model helps us understand the subsurface structural morphology of this area and to connect geological models across the Zhuoshui River. Initially, geological cross-sections from previous studies are reconstructed in the 2D environment of MOVE software, where balanced cross-section restoration is performed to verify their validity. Based on the restoration results, modifications are made to the cross-section along the Zhuoshui River, moving the connection point of the Chusiang Fault to the base of the Chelungpu Fault ramp further east. Subsequently, the geological cross-sections and ground geological data are integrated into a three-dimensional space to build a three-dimensional structural model. According to the model, it is inferred that the normal fault strikes north-south beneath the Zhuoshui River area, dipping eastward, and then turns to a northeast to east-west to direction, dipping southward, about 3 to 4 kilometers north of the Zhuoshui River. This change in the strike of the fault makes the fault flat of the Chelungpu Fault to extend eastward and become wider in the northern part of the region. Therefore, despite the largest displacement on the northernmost cross-section of the Chelungpu Fault, the strata exposed in the hanging wall south of the Zhuoshui River are still older than those in the northern section. Similarly, the displacement along the northern section of the Chusiang Fault is greater than that in the southern section. Exposed strata in the hanging wall in the southern section of the Chusiang Fault are older than those in the northern section, as well. This is mainly because the strata had already been deformed by the Chelungpu Fault. The Pliocene strata was uplifted close to the ground in the southern section while those remained in the deeper in the northern section. However, the following deformation produced by the activity of the Chusiang fault does not reverse the status. |
參考文獻 |
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