博碩士論文 111356019 詳細資訊

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姓名 徐向誼(Hsiang-i Hsu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 環境工程研究所在職專班
論文名稱 比較電動堆高機語音式、間歇式、寬頻式警報裝置對作業場所工作者之安全效用探討,以C 造紙廠為例
(Comparative study of the safety efficacy of voice-based, intermittent, and broadband alarm devices for electric stacker in the workplace: A case study of C paper mill.)
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摘要(中) 本研究以C 造紙廠為例,深入研究電動堆高機語音式、間歇式、寬頻式警
摘要(英) This study takes C Paper Mill as an example to deeply investigate the differences
in the safety efficacy of voice-based, intermittent, and broadband alarm devices for
electric forklifts in the workplace. By comparing the practical application effects of
these three types of alarm devices, the study particularly focuses on their impact on
worker safety. The research methods include experimental design, data collection and
analysis, combined with subjective questionnaire evaluations to assess the
effectiveness of alarm devices from multiple perspectives.
The results indicate that different alarm devices exhibit varying performances in
terms of reaction time, reaction accuracy, and subjective evaluations by workers.
Voice-based alarm devices have advantages in providing specific guidance and
enhancing worker alertness, while intermittent alarm devices are notable for their
simplicity and immediacy. Broadband alarm devices show certain strengths in coping
with complex environments and improving sound recognition.
Overall, this study provides practical guidance for enterprises in selecting alarm
devices suitable for their specific environments to enhance overall workplace safety.
The research conclusions help bridge the gap between practical application and
theoretical research, offering valuable references for related fields.
關鍵字(中) ★ 堆高機
★ 警報裝置
★ 職業安全
★ 造紙廠
關鍵字(英) ★ Forklift
★ Alarm devices
★ Occupational safety
★ Paper mill
論文目次 目錄
致謝... iii
1.1 研究背景動機...1
1.2 研究目的...2
1.3 研究的貢獻...3
2.1 堆高機職災-被撞...5
2.2 堆高機作業場所人車分離困境...14
2.3 堆高機應設置警報裝置...15
2.4 電動與柴油堆高機運轉音量的差異....19
2.5 語音式、間歇式、寬頻式警報裝置... 21
2.6 C 造紙廠的案例研究... 26
2.6.1 C 造紙廠電動堆高機的工作環境介紹...26
2.6.2 C 造紙廠作業場場所噪音狀況... 27
2.7 相關名詞解釋... 28
2.7.1 聲音相關...28
2.7.2 警報裝置相關...30
第三章研究方法... 35
3.1 研究架構...35
3.1.1 警報裝置選用...37
3.1.2 實驗環境構建...38
3.1.3 受試者招募條件... 42
3.1.4 實驗流程...43
3.2 研究材料...45
3.3 研究對象...49
3.4 資料收集方法... 50
3.5 資料分析方法... 50
第四章結果與討論... 52
4.1 反應時間分析... 52
4.2 反應定位準確率分析...58
4.3 受試者主觀評價分析...65
4.3.1 警告聲響的可聽度... 65
4.3.2 警告聲響方位定位難易度...69
4.3.3 警告聲音的評價... 72
4.3.4 從警告聲可得知的訊息評價... 75
4.4 綜合比較與討論... 84
第五章結論與建議... 90
5.1 結論... 90
5.2 建議... 91
參考文獻... 93
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指導教授 林伯勳(Po-Hsun Lin) 審核日期 2024-7-23
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