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姓名 陳逸夫(Yi-fu Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 環場鳥瞰監視停車輔助系統
(A Bird-view Surrounding Monitor System for Parking Assistance)
★ 適用於大面積及場景轉換的視訊錯誤隱藏法★ 虛擬觸覺系統中的力回饋修正與展現
★ 多頻譜衛星影像融合與紅外線影像合成★ 腹腔鏡膽囊切除手術模擬系統
★ 飛行模擬系統中的動態載入式多重解析度地形模塑★ 以凌波為基礎的多重解析度地形模塑與貼圖
★ 多重解析度光流分析與深度計算★ 體積守恆的變形模塑應用於腹腔鏡手術模擬
★ 互動式多重解析度模型編輯技術★ 以小波轉換為基礎的多重解析度邊線追蹤技術(Wavelet-based multiresolution edge tracking for edge detection)
★ 基於二次式誤差及屬性準則的多重解析度模塑★ 以整數小波轉換及灰色理論為基礎的漸進式影像壓縮
★ 建立在動態載入多重解析度地形模塑的戰術模擬★ 以多階分割的空間關係做人臉偵測與特徵擷取
★ 以小波轉換為基礎的影像浮水印與壓縮★ 外觀守恆及視點相關的多重解析度模塑
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摘要(中) 為了實現車輛週遭無視線死角的概念,我們提出一套車體環場鳥瞰監視系統。分別在車輛前後及兩側架設廣角相機,相機所拍攝影像經由轉換及組合成一個俯視車輛週遭環境的鳥瞰影像提供給駕駛者,藉以達到安全停車輔助的目的。
摘要(英) To realize the concept of “No blind spot around the vehicle”, cameras are used to support the driver’’s visibility. We propose a system that employs four wide-angle cameras mounted in the front, rear, and both sides of a vehicle to capture images; images are then transformed and combined a bird-view image of the surrounding area of the vehicle to provide to the driver.
To generate a bird-view of the surrounding area, we define a virtual camera above the vehicle. The bird-view image is constructed in two steps. First, image pixels of the wide-angle cameras are back-projected to the ground plane. Second, the ground points are projected to the virtual camera.
The system is composed of four cameras with wide-angle lenses to get a wide field of view, but introducing a heavy distortion on images. To find the distortion parameter of a camera, we assume the basic property of the pinhole camera model: line segments in the 3-D space will always project as 2-D lines in the image plane. Concerning the problems of distortion removal and inverse perspective mapping with the knowledge of the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of cameras have to be solved. A technique for camera calibration using a planar pattern is presented.
Finally, we use a simple statistical analysis method to impose one image’s color on another, which improves the quality of the results. In this thesis, we show how to transform and combine images from four wide-angle cameras to provide a bird-view of the surrounding area of a vehicle on a single display.
關鍵字(中) ★ 廣角校正
★ 視點轉換
★ 扭曲校正
★ 影像接合
★ 色彩校正
★ 影像拼接
★ 影像合成
關鍵字(英) ★ image mosaic
★ image stitching
★ color correction
★ image synthesis
★ distortion correction
★ viewpoint transformation
論文目次 摘要 II
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
第一章 緒論 一
第二章 相關研究 二
第三章 相機校正及扭曲校正 三
第四章 鳥瞰轉換及色彩調整 四
第五章 實驗 五
第六章 結論 六
英文版論文 七
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指導教授 曾定章(Din-chang Tseng) 審核日期 2008-7-14
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