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姓名 曾並進(Bing-Jin Tseng) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 電機工程學系 論文名稱 5.3GHz室內電波傳播特性量測與分析
(Measurement and Analysis of Propagation Characteristic of the Indoor Radio Channels at 5.3GHz)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式]
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摘要(中) 摘要
本研究中,我們量測並分析室內環境的電波傳播特性,我們使用網路分析儀同時產生和量測寬頻信號在頻域上的資料,再藉由傅利葉轉換,我們可以分析脈衝信號在時域上的資訊。此外,在基地台之天線使用方面,針對不同的量測環境使用不同性質的天線,由於天線場型會影響電波傳播的特性,我們必須考量其影響因素以找出在這量測環境中,基地台位置有最佳的涵蓋率與通訊品質。且在此論文中,在不同發射端天線高度與使用單極天線的情況下,我們量測室內寬頻無線電波的通道特性。最後,為了更好的描述室內建物材質的介電特性,我們使用自由空間技術來量測建物材質的穿透係數與反射係數,並藉由厚板模型來計算建物材質的相對常數與導電率。摘要(英) Abstract
There is an increasing demand for high data rate wireless transmission for indoor radio network and personal communication network systems. The 5.3GHz frequency band is promising to support such applications since it offers wide bandwidths. However, higher operating frequencies and higher date rates result in increased multipath problem. Consequently, the radio propagation characteristic for indoor environment becomes an important research topic.
This thesis reports the measurement and analysis of wideband radio channel in indoor propagation environment. The network analyzer, HP 8510C is used to measure the wideband signal propagation synchronously in frequency domain. By using FFT, the corresponding impulse signal in time domain is then analyzed. Because the antenna pattern used at the base station affects the propagation characteristic , we must consider all related factors in order to find out best coverage performance of the base station location in the measurement environment. In this thesis we reported measurements on wideband indoor channel characterization based on monopole antennas with different transmitter heights. Finally, in order to get accurate predications, a good description of the electromagnetic properties of the obstacles present in the environment is needed. A experiment was made in order to characterize the electromagnetic parameters of the building materials. Transmission and reflection coefficients were measured using the free-space technique. The slab model was used to estimate the permittivity and conductivity.關鍵字(中) ★ 均方根延遲擴散
★ 平均延遲
★ 同調頻寬關鍵字(英) ★ mean delay
★ RMS delay spread
★ coherence bandwidth論文目次 目錄
第一章 緒論..............................................1
1.1 前言.............................................1
1.2 研究目的.........................................2
1.3 章節簡介.........................................4
第二章 室內環境之電波傳播特性............................5
2.1 基本電波傳播模型.................................5
2.2 室內電波傳播行為.................................8
2.3 無線通道之角度擴散...............................12
2.4 通道特性參數.....................................15
2.4.1 接收功率之臨界值................................15
2.4.2 平均延遲時間....................................15
2.4.3 均方根延遲擴散..................................17
2.4.4 同調頻寬........................................17
第三章 電波量測系統......................................19
3.1 量測方法.........................................19
3.2 量測系統.........................................21
3.3 量測參數設定.....................................24
第四章 電波量測實驗設計..................................27
4.1 5.3GHz微帶天線製作.............................27
4.1.1 天線參數定義....................................28
4.1.2 天線輻射場型特性及參數..........................29
4.1.3 微帶天線製作流程................................32
4.2 室內主要建物材質之介電特性量測.................39
4.2.1 量測系統設定.....................................39
4.2.2 厚板模型.........................................41
4.3 實驗一 三樓研究室較佳發射端放置點量測實驗.....43
4.3.1 實驗設計與實驗環境...............................43
4.3.2 量測系統參數設定.................................45
4.4 實驗二 太遙中心四樓之電波傳播量測實驗.........46
4.4.1 實驗設計與實驗環境...............................46
4.4.2 量測系統參數設定.................................47
第五章 量測結果與分析....................................48
5.1 材質介電特性量測結果...........................48
5.2 實驗一之量測結果與分析.........................50
5.3 實驗二之量測結果與分析.........................63
第六章 結論與展望........................................80
6.1 結論...........................................80
6.2 展望...........................................81
附錄A 單極天線規格特性...................................82
附錄B 8348A功率放大器規格................................84
參考文獻..................................................85參考文獻 參考文獻
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(Kun-Shan Chen、Char-Dir Chung)審核日期 2003-6-27 推文 plurk
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