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姓名 李建民(Chien-Min Lee)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 電機工程學系
論文名稱 進化演算法之動態分析及應用於數位濾波器之設計
(The Dynamic Analysis of Evolutionary Algorithm and Its Application to the Design of Digital Filters)
★ 以調適性類神經網路系統實現預先失真器補償 RF 功率放大器之非線性效應★ 進化演算法應用在數位濾波器之最佳化設計
★ WDM同步光纖網路加入/取出多工器效應之評估★ PN碼對多重路徑的估測
★ 多層感知等化器-使用進化演算法★ Lp Norm 倒傳遞演算法使用在調適性濾波器
★ 利用進化演算法在多層感知機結構上之判別回授等化器★ 模糊類神經網路結合進化演算法運用在基頻通道等化器上
★ 使用進化演算法的模糊化類神經網路等化器★ 新式的電信網路主參考信號源
★ 應用進化演算法於類神經網路之判別回授 等化器與探討各參數對performance的影響★ 進化演算法結合多層感知機架構運用在4-QAM決策迴授等化器上
★ 進化演算法應用在多層感知迴授等化 器上之效能分析★ 複數訊號多層感知決策回授等化器-使用進化演算法
★ 頻移相位同調光纖通信系統的效能分析★ 多層感知器對輸入與權值誤差的敏感度分析及倒傳遞(BP)演算法與進化策略(ES)演算法的改善
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摘要(英) The Evolutionary algorithm is a self-adaptive searching strategy, applicable stochastic search and optimization technique based on the evolutionary theory. The algorithm maintains a population of individual solutions, each of which has a fitness value representing the quality of the solution. It adopts the operators of iterative recombination, mutation, evaluation and selection to extend the search into an undiscovered area of the search space. We investigate the phenomena of dynamics of the genetic operators and provide the contributions to the designing of the digital filters.
The digital filters may be implemented via two structures: finite-impulse response (FIR) and infinite-impulse response (IIR). Typical design methods have been described in the documents of digital signal processing. And the digital filters with multiplier-free coefficients are also investigated in many studies, which have the benefit of implementation. In this work we provide several new methods to improve the quality of existing FIR/IIR designs. Moreover, the phase of the IIR digital filter will be studied and the related drawback will be improved. The contributions of this study are listed as follows:
1. The IIR digital filters with the property of minimum-phase.
2. The minimum-phase IIR digital filters with the property of linear-phase.
3. The cascade-form of multiplier-free FIR digital filters with allocation scheme.
4. The IIR digital filters with the multiplier-free coefficients and minimum-phase property.
5. The IIR digital filters with the multiplier-free coefficients and linear-phase property.
The proposed linear-phase IIR filters not only improve the nonlinearity of the phase response but provide lower group delay than existing techniques. Moreover, we limit the coefficients by discrete valued (signed sum of power-of-two, SPT) to improve the implementation values. The proposed design is efficient and the related research is rare. The most similar technique first designs the infinite-precision linear-phase IIR filter and then optimizes the finite-precision linear-phase IIR filter by quantizing the coefficients by the sums of signed powers-of-two (SPT) term. This method may bring some problems. The stability, linearity of phase and the amplitude response of the IIR filter will lose control when the coefficients have been quantized. Moreover, it is difficult to look for the appropriate SPT terms to simultaneously hold the requirements of the filter. Because of the property of multi-objects, this design is difficult to achieve by conventional techniques. The proposed EA can efficiently achieve the requirements.
關鍵字(中) ★ 線性相位
★ 最小相位延遲
★ 數位濾波器
★ 二冪次方和係數
★ 進化演算法
★ 動態分析
關鍵字(英) ★ minimum-phase
★ linear-phase
★ multiplier-free
★ dynamic analysis
★ digital filters
★ Evolutionary algorithm
論文目次 Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Overview of Evolutionary Algorithm 1
1.1.1 Evolution Strategies (ES) 2
1.1.2 Evolutionary Programming (EP) 2
1.1.3 Genetic Algorithm (GA) 3
1.2 The Operators of Evolutionary Algorithm 1
1.2.1 Recombination Operator 2
1.2.2 Mutation Operator 4 The typical mutation scheme: 5 The violent mutation scheme: 5
1.2.3 Selection Operator 6 The Regular Selection 6 The Enlarged Selection 7 Comparison of and selection 8
1.3 The Survey of the Design of Digital Filters 12
Chapter 2 The Dynamic Analysis of Evolutionary Algorithm 17
2.1 How EA works? 17
2.2 The Dynamic Analysis of the Recombination Operator 21
2.3 The Dynamic Analysis of the Mutation Operator 24
2.3.1 The common type mutation scheme 24
2.3.2 The violent mutation scheme 24
The one-stage mutation scheme 24
The two-stage mutation scheme 28
2.4 Summary 35
Chapter 3 The Digital Filters with Infinitely-Precision Coefficient 36
3.1 The Comparison of Quality with Traditional Techniques 38
3.1.1 The Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Digital Filters 38
3.1.1.A The FIR Digital filters with Minimum-Ripple 38
3.1.1.B The FIR Digital filters with Specified Magnitude Response 45
3.1.2 The Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) Digital Filters 49
3.1.3 Raised-cosine Filters 51
3.1.4 2-D Quadrantal Symmetric Filters 54
3.1.4.A 2-D Rectangular Low-Pass Filter 55
3.1.4.B 2-D Circular/Elliptic Low-Pass Filter 56
3.1.4.C 2-D Circular Band-Pass Filter 57
3.1.4.D 2-D Filter with Minimum-Energy Stop-bands 58
3.1.4.E 2-D Circular Conic Filter 58
3.1.4.F 2-D Fan-Type Filter 59
3.2 The IIR Digital Filter with the Property of the Minimum-phase 60
3.2.1 Problem Formulation 60
3.2.2 Design Examples 61
3.3 The IIR Digital Filter with the Property of the Linear-phase 66
3.3.1 Exist Techniques 66
3.3.2 The Design Procedure 68
3.3.3 Design Examples 69
Example 1 69
Example 2 71
Example 3 72
3.4 Summary 75
Chapter 4 The Digital Filters with Multiplier-Free Coefficient 77
4.1 The Multiplier-Free Coefficient 79
4.2 The Cascade-Form of FIR Digital Filter with SPT-AS Coefficients 81
4.2.1 Problem formulation 81
4.2.2 Comparison with existed techniques 82
4.2.3 FIR filter with magnitude specification 85
4.2.4 Cascade-form of SPT-AS FIR filters 87
4.3 SPT-AS IIR Filter with the Property of Minimum-Phase 94
4.3.1 Problem formulation 94
4.3.2 Design Examples 95
4.4 SPT-AS IIR Filter with the Property of Linear-Phase 113
4.4.1 Existing Techniques 113
4.4.2 Design Procedures 114
4.4.3 Design Examples 116 Step1: The Min.-Phase IIR Filter & comparison with past GA design 116 Step2: The Linear-phase SPT-AS IIR digital filters 122
4.5 The Two-Channel Filter Banks 132
4.5.1 The QMF Filter Banks 132
4.5.2 Design Examples 134
4.6 Summary 142
Chapter 5 Conclusions 144
Reference 147
Index 154
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指導教授 賀嘉律、蕭師基
(Chia-Lu Ho、Sammy Siu)
審核日期 2005-12-28
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