摘要: | 同步工程已經成為改善整體企業績效的有效方法之一,尤能縮短產品上市的時間。然而,同步工程亦即為基於時間形式的多重專案管理概念。當進行多重專案時,其複雜度是單一專案所無法比擬的。因此,傳統上我們所採用WBS, PERT, CPM等工具並無法有效的應用在多重專案的環境。本研究乃基於此動機而發展新的方法論謀求解決之道。 在資源有限的前提下,「資源作最有效率的分配」乃是最具挑戰性的管理課題。本篇研究所提出的多重專案之系統動態應用(SDMPM)包含兩大部分:系統動態(System Dynamics)與流程建模(Objected-Oriented Process Modeling),主要功能為協助企業管理階層進行資源管理,並提供整體性的多重專案管理解決方法。 SDMPM主用來解決兩大類問題:策略上與作業上的課題。首先,SD能將許多會影響專案績效的因子融入模式以考慮,並預測所需資源及進行資源有效分配。SD模擬之結果可協助高層管理者進行資源策略(政策)之研擬。其次,本研究將結合OOA及ARIS方法論,並擷取傳統工具的優點發展出OOPM。 Concurrent Engineering (CE) has become one of the most effective approach for business to improve overall business performance, especially in shorting “time to market”. As known, CE is an evolution of the time-based project management concept basically. Proceeding multi-project is much more complex than the domain of single project. When traditional project management techniques, such as work breakdown structure (WBS), Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT), and Critical Path Method (CPM), have been found lacking the effectiveness in planning and controlling individual CE project, the management of multiple CE projects becomes more difficult. Therefore, it is of interest to develop new methodology for multi-project management. “Resource allocation in the best way” is the most challenging managerial topic, while multiple projects compete for the limited resource. In this research, we will discuss the problems of resource management in multi-project environment and then propose a integrated solution called System Dynamics of Multi-project Management (SDMPM) to assist making managerial decision on allocating resources to multiple projects. The innovative framework developed is composed of System Dynamics (SD) and Object-Oriented Process Modeling (OOPM). SDMPM is developed for solving two levels of managerial problems, strategic and operational. First, SD incorporates the more subjective factors which can have an important influence on each project and will be used to estimate the amount of resource required and optimize resource allocation. The simulation results from SD will assist high-level manager to build up long-term resource management policies (e.g., human resource policy) and medium-term multi-project schedule. Second, we adopt the advantage of traditional network concepts and apply the powerful tools of process modeling such as OOA and ARIS, which also incorporates with knowledge management concept to construct OOPM for offering detailed operational schedule and implementation. |