摘要: | 藉由網際網路及資訊技術的快速成長與大量應用,企業的營運環境面臨了諸多挑戰:變動的需求、顧客忠誠的下降、縮短的產品生命週期以及大量的客製化需求。這些挑戰驅使著企業打破原本豎立在企業間的高牆並開始與企業的貿易夥伴探討有效率的跨企業商業流程。 因此,協同合作成為供應練管理中的下一波趨勢。以網際網路及資訊系統為骨幹,大量的資訊及資料交換與共享將比以往更為便利;此外,網際網路的大量應用也加速了供應練中的協同合作流程。電子商務因勢而起並提供了一個新的協同合作平台。在此平台環境下,i-Hub將成為新一代資訊共享的模式;同時i-Hub也提供了集中式的資訊分派服務以及在延展式供應練中主導新的商業流程。 在i-Hub支援延展式供應練的環境下,本研究發展一競標基礎之需求滿足流程針對協同合作建模,此一流程包含了下列三項子流程:(1)競標編組與競標形式選擇 (2)公告競標與出價 (3)市場結算與競標資訊公佈。本研究採用EPC圖形化流程建模、UML物件建模語言及裴氏圖(Petri Net) 發展一創新方法論,並應用此方法論為協同合作流程進行建模,並以電腦組裝產業實作案例研究與模擬。 Owing to the rapidly grow and popularization of Internet and information technology, enterprises today are facing a tough environment to run their business. Challenges such as increased demand, decreased customer loyalty, shorter product life-cycles, and mass product customization drive enterprises to knock down the outer walls among them and streamline their business processes more smoothly. Collaboration becomes the Next Big Thing in the next generation of supply chain management. Through the Internet and information system, mass information and data exchange and sharing are easier than before. Besides, popularization of Internet speeds up collaborative process in the supply chain. Electronic commerce develops rapidly and provides a new platform for enterprises to execute collaboration. A new information sharing model is growing up to meet the complex requirements of information deployment. Information Hub (i-Hub) is the latest evolution of information sharing that provides central information deployment and leads a new business model in the extended supply chain. Focusing on the extended supply chain embedded with i-Hub, we specifically address the auction-based demand fulfillment process by modeling the collaborative processes that consist of (1) Grouping and Auction Type Selection Process, (2) Auction Announcement and Bidding Process, and (3) Market Clearance and Auction Information Reveal Process. Applying Event-driven Process Chain Diagram, Unified Modeling Language, and Petri Net, we developed a methodological framework to depict the collaborative process and simulate the auction process regarding computer assembly industry. |