在眾多的企業經營管理課題中,存貨管理與決策一直是相當重要的一環,存貨管理的目的,在於如何於限制條件下用最低的存貨成本來滿足客戶對產品的需求;而存貨決策乃是在決定訂購時機及每次訂購量的最佳化,使能達成存貨管理的目的。 本研究解決個案公司成品及半成品的存貨問題,而以原料(腊材)之存貨成本做為研究議題;從個案公司搜集資料運用「定期存量管制」、「複倉式定量存量管制」改善模型,在腊材儲存容量上限及不允許缺貨的限制下,去做「存貨成本最小化」的比較。 所以本研究從文獻探討之「定期管制系統、「定量管制系統」及「複倉管制系統」等三種模式,在以「前3年平均耗用需求量」為基準及前置時間固定下,去演繹及歸納出適用於個案腊材的「存貨成本最小化」之訂購模式,此模式可得最適當的訂購時間及訂購數量,運用再訂購點及訂購量於個案中的「原料腊材管制」之存貨決策,即可兼具防止缺貨及壓縮庫存金額,讓存貨成本最小化,有助於個案企業提升其成本競爭力。 The issue about inventory management is very important in operations management. The purpose of inventory management is not only minimizing the inventory cost for companies but also satisfying the demand of customers. The decision of inventory management is to find out when the reorder point is and how much we should order in each time. Inventory counting system can be periodic or perpetual. Our study is focus on solving problem of the inventory management on finishing goods and semi-products in a case company. We collect the data form our case company and use periodic system, perpetual inventory system, and two bin system to solve the problem of limited stock capacity and the constraint of no shortage. We review some references of periodic system, perpetual inventory system, and two bin system. Our model is based on these three models. We use the demand during the first three years and assume that the replenishment lead time is fixed. The purpose of this model is to minimize the inventory cost. In this model we could figure out that when to order and how much of lot size to order is the best. This model will help us to reduce our inventory cost and to prevent the shortage.