Abstract: | 由於運輸方式以及資訊科技的迅速發展,加上全球化的趨勢,全球市場環境正不斷地改變。因此,新運籌概念的需求也慢慢地提升,像全球運籌就是一個很重要的例子。一個有效用、有效率的全球運籌管理系統,不僅僅需要去設計、規劃其相關的流程、系統與衡量機制,它還需要將整條供應鏈中多變的市場、生產、存貨、以及運輸等資訊連結並整合起來。因為這些整合的資訊可以幫助企業主做分析、預測與決策。此外,供應鏈的成員還必須互相瞭解、溝通、分享,並且學習各種方面的全球運籌相關作業。因此,在一個全球運籌專案的執行過程中,具備一個標準的參考程序是充分且必要的。因為它可以避免一些不必要的誤解或錯誤的情況發生,進而對專案的進行有所幫助。 本研究的目的是發展一個參考模型,我們稱它為「本體論的全球運籌模型」(Ontological Global Logistics Model, OGLM),來幫助企業建構他們的全球運籌。我們的方法論融合了全球運籌重要的概念、IDEF5方法論以及供應鏈作業參考模型(SCOR Model)的分解法(decomposed method),透過廣泛的文獻探討,去明確定義企業內部及全球運籌領域裡的專有名詞和關係。也就是說,我們提出哪些是全球運籌重要的議題,這些議題是如何被執行的,以及它們之間的關係是如何。另外,我們的方法論還包含了一個五階段的本體論的發展程序(Ontological Development Process, ODP),透過這個ODP,我們將OGLM向下分解到第三階段,做更深入的探討。最後,透過個案研究,將實務界的全球運籌最佳實務與我們的OGLM做對照,來驗證我們的模型。 Thanks to the rapid development of transportation and information technology (IT), and because of the trends of globalization, the environment of marketplace is changing. Therefore, demands for new logistical concepts are now arising, and Global Logistics Management is one of the most important. For an effective and efficient global logistics management system, it is not only necessary to design and plan the relative processes, system and metrics, companies but also have to connect and integrate the varied information of marketing, production, inventory, and transportation within the supply chain. Because the integrated information can help managers to analyze, forecast and make decision. Besides, supply chain partners must understand, communicate and share, and learn about the different aspects of all the operations in their global logistics. Therefore, it is sufficient and necessary to have a standard reference process for global logistics project execution because this could avoid some unnecessary misunderstandings and mistakes so as to facilitate the execution of plans. In this study, we develop a reference model named Ontological Global Logistics Model (OGLM) which can help companies to construct their own global logistics. Our methodology fuses the essential concept of global logistics with the ideas of IDEF5 method and decomposed method of SCOR Model. According to the explicit definitions of terms and relationship, and through the extensive literature review in enterprise and global logistics domain, we propose “what are the critical issues of global logistics?”, “How these issues are executed?”, and “what are the relationships between them?” Moreover, a five-step Ontological Development Process (ODP) would be introduced. Based on the ODP, our OGLM could be structured into three levels of decomposition with increasing depth and complexity. Finally, a case study about the best practice of global logistics would be exhibited to evaluate our OGLM. |