在這競爭激烈的市場上,由於技術不斷地研發創新,產品的功能也跟著被迫升級與更新,因而產品的生命週期愈來愈短,企業為了要滿足市場上的需求以及確保競爭的優勢,所以必須要具有產品開發的核心能力,才能夠在最短的時間內,將產品順利推出上市,滿足市場上的需求與顧客的滿意度。因此,新產品開發能力與速度是企業掌握競爭力的重要關鍵。不過,新產品開發是一個複雜而龐大的體系,它能為公司帶來無限的商機和可觀的利潤,但要做好它卻不是件輕鬆的事,反而是艱鉅的挑戰。所以必須要有一套完整的新產品開發流程系統,來有效管理新產品之品質與進度,並同時運用同步工程方法與品質工具來輔助新產品的開發,進而達成縮短新產品研發時程之目標。本文將以生產智慧型手機之國際大廠為例,針對其新產品開發流程作進一步之分析與探討,以制定出一套標準化的產品開發流程,並提供業界作為參考,以期提昇企業的競爭優勢與獲利能力。 Due to newly developed technology and product functions upgraded, the life cycle of product becomes short to meet marketing requirement and keep enterprises’ competition. Enterprise must adopt up-to-date technology for new product development to drive new product to market with shortest time. The capability of new product development is very important for enterprise to have the competitions, however, it’s really a complicate system of new product development. Although, new product will bring unlimited business opportunities and appreciable profits, it’s really a tough challenge. We would like to build a mature system of new product development process (NPDP) to control the quality and progress of new product well by applying the concept of Concurrent Engineering (CE) and quality tools for assistance to achieve our target of shortening the period of new product development. In this thesis, we will have a case study of research new product development process from an international company that produce primarily smart phone and try to build a standard process for new product development. We would like to share it with related industry to promote their competitive advantages and profits.