摘要: | ERP(Enterprise Resources Planning,企業資源規劃)系統是一將企業的製造、庫存、財務、銷售、配銷及其他相關功能達成平衡的應用軟體程式;企業導入ERP的主要目的通常是為了整合規劃企業的所有資源,達到資源分配最佳化的目標。 全球各地的企業,彼此間的互動性正在不斷地增加與加快,商業功能、各事業單位、各事業間以互相關聯。企業正致力於建構彼此相關的資訊系統,以前所未有的速度,製造更有用的資訊。基於因應國際化競爭,企業必須具備連結國際的共通化資訊系統,企業導入企業資源規劃系統(ERP)是必然的趨勢。因此,本研究的目的有以下四點: 一、 藉由本研究得知企業導入ERP 系統在各個階段的關鍵因素。 二、 藉由本研究得知企業導入ERP 系統後階段工作是會受之前階段某些作業的執行情形所影響。 三、 藉由本研究得知企業導入ERP 系統在各個階段可能面臨的困難及阻礙,及其如何克服因應之做法。 四、 藉由研究結果,半導體封裝測試企業針對導入ERP 系統在階段性可能面臨的挑戰及處理方式提供為參考。 本研究透過親自參予ERP專案導入,透過個案的分析,探索半導體封裝測試製造業的企業資源規劃的過程;提供半導體封裝測試製造業的企業資源規劃的各階段可能面臨的問題;本研究提供了一個實際個案,針對各項問題解決提供實際可行的方法給予實務界參考,希望企業可以協助成功的企業導入企業資源規劃資訊系統。 The enterprise of the whole world, each other interaction of is increasing constantly with speed, business function, each business unit, and each business with mutual connection. The enterprise is concentrating on the related information system, which constructs each other, making more useful information with the unprecedented speed. According to respond an internationalization competition, the enterprise has to have link nations of common turn information system, enterprise implement ERP system is an inevitable trend. Therefore, the purpose of this research has the following: 1. Know the ERP system's key factor of the enterprise implement by this research. 2. By this research know the ERP system implement behind the stage work is influenced by the performance situation that will be subjected to previous stage. 3. Know difficulty and barrier that the ERP system implement may face by this research, and it how overcome to respond of method. 4. By studying a result, IC assembly and test enterprise at implement ERP system may face in the stage of challenge and processing the way provide for make reference to. This research through join ERP project in person, through the analysis of the individual case; This research provided an actual individual case, resolve to provide a physically viable method to give the actual situation field the reference to various problem, hope the enterprise can help a successful enterprise resource of the enterprise implementing a information system. |