此篇論文主要是提出一個結合 MFM (Multilevel Flow Modeling),與PPM(Project Portfolio Management)之方法論,以監控新品開發協同設計之執行流程。此方法論主要的目的在使開發團隊:(1)辨識系統之架構;(2)辨識流程中的主要構成因素和決定其相關的功能;(3)專案組合之選定及排序(4)專案組合資源之配置(4)監控專案組合之執行。 此篇研究結合 MFM 與 PPM 模型。 MFM 適用於複雜流程的目標與功能之描述,並且可作為分析因果關係的工具。PPM 主要在專案組合之選定,可做為組織定義策略新品開發方向之工具。 在第三章中,我們將詳細地描述方法論的架構,接著在第四章中,我們將整合所提出的方法論並應用在協同設計流程上,並且展示監控系統的設計方式。在第五章,以個案分析的方式來驗證所建立的協同設計流程與監控系統架構的執行。於第六章做結語。 The thesis proposes a methodological framework for the supervisory control of collaborative design process. The aim of the methodological framework is to permit R&D teams who: (1) identify the system architecture; (2) identify each of the main components of the system and determine functions of those components; (3) select the project portfolio and priority; (4) allocate the resource for the project portfolio; (5) monitor the project portfolio execution. In this thesis, we integrate Multilevel Flow Modeling (MFM) with Project Portfolio Management (PPM) to construct our methodology to provide the supervisory control of collaborative design process. In chapter 3 and 4, the concept of MFM and PPM are illustrated respectively. Finally, chapter 5 will illustrate the Vehicle Electronic system in current Auto Mobil industry, while an example is presented too by applying the proposed methodology, and concluding remarks are made in chapter 6.