過去數十年來企業界為了適應大環境的變化,而不斷的謀求對策來提升企業本身的競爭力。為此,企業相繼導入了許多新的管理技術與改善手法,例如在早期盛行的全面品質管理(Total Quality Management, TQM)及在全球石油危機後被大力推動的豐田生產方式(Toyota Production System, TPS)中的JIT(Just In Time)及時化生產,與在70年代備受矚目的全面生產保養(Total Productive Maintenance, TPM)全員參與生產保養活動等,這些管理技術與改善手法都曾經被廣泛使用過,也都有相當的成效。 對於這些管理技術或改善活動所追求的經營指標與其推行成功的因素及其與企業經營的目標之間的關係之研究,已有多位學者相繼的提出其論著。但是很少有學者,對於三者(TQM、TPS、TPM)活動的關連性及其活動的系統架構,甚至於所謂活動的導入順序的研究,並未有較實務性相關研究的論著,因此引發對本主題研究探討的興趣,希望藉由個案公司推動的經驗與相關學術論著及文獻加以整合研究,提出『生產革新,Production Innovation』改善活動的實務架構以及導入的優先順序,以助於推行改善活動順利展開,並且能獲得到事半功倍之成效,真正落實及強化企業的經營管理體質。 本研究中以個案公司之示範生產線為探討對象,在經由導入生產革新改善活動經驗,推導『生產革新,Production Innovation』活動推動的實務架構以及導入的優先順序。做為日後企業在推動改善活動時的參考依據。 In the past few decades, enterprises are continuously seeks for new strategy to enhance their competitiveness to adapt to macro business environment. For this reason, enterprises have been imported a lot of new technologies and improved management practices, from the TQM (Total Quality Management) in the early days, the JIT (Just In Time) of the TPS (Toyota Production System) after the oil crisis, to the TPM (Total Product Maintenance) in the 1970’s. These methodologies all have been widely adapted and achieve certain success in various areas. Many scholars have been clear pointed out those successive treatises for these activities to improve management techniques or business indicators in their study. However, only few scholars have been discussed the connection and the relative activity structure between TQM, TPS and TPM in their academic studies. Therefore, this study seeks to examine these manufacturing practices of case company to demonstrate the implementation sequence for the Production Innovation improvement activity and verified the effectiveness of this methodology. By the experience and evaluation of this methodology, it provides the evidence for the proposed framework and the introduction procedure can greatly contribute on improving production management system. Therefore, companies could use this experience as the references for the future improvement activity to improve their production management.