摘要: | 氣體原物料對於半導體產業、TFT-LCD薄膜面板產業、薄膜太陽能電池產業的重要性,就像電與水一樣,缺一不可。但綜觀國內電子氣體業,大都由傳統工業氣體發展而來,所以對於氣體生產模式大都依循傳統的大量批次式生產模式進行。此模式固然具有簡單、易管理的優點,但相對也產生高庫存、反應時間、交期長等缺點。因此批次式生產種模式愈來愈無法滿足電子業要求少量多樣式、快速反應的作業型態。 因此本研究由氣體鋼瓶生產的一個小環節,試圖比較批次生產與單件流程生產的優缺點。並藉由個案公司以持續改善的手法,用於鋼瓶包裝檢驗流程改善專案中,導入單件流程所用的步驟與方法、所遇到的困難與挑戰,作為研究的重點。企圖找出可行的方式,使精實生產的觀念能逐漸地有效運用於氣體生產業。使產品的產出模式能與供應鏈的下游配合,達到快速反應、零庫存、零缺點的終極目標。 本研究發現單件流程(One-piece flow)亦能適用於氣體鋼瓶(gases cylinders)生產的部份流程,但仍需針對鋼瓶的運送自動化加以改善,方能真正發揮單件流程的效益。 Just like electricity and water, gas raw material plays the key and significant role in semiconductor producer, thin-film transistor liquid crystal display manufacturers and solar industries. Generally speaking, most of the local electronic gases companies basically developed their businesses by traditional batch flow. The traditional production is simple and easy to manage, but on the other hand we also could see the weakness of high inventory, slow response timing and long lead time. Therefore, gradually, Batch flow couldn't satisfy the Electronic Industry on the requirements of varieties and quick response. Therefore, my study tries to compare the batch flow with one-piece flow by one key point from the production of gas cylinders. Besides, to observe the difficulties and challenges of improving the cylinders package inspection process by inputting the one-piece flow from the case study will be my main research part, and then try to find the possible solutions to make the production more efficiently. The purpose is to find the right production pattern which works perfectly with the end suppliers and reach the target of quick response, zero inventories and no defect. My study figure out the One-piece Flow also could be applicable to the production of gases cylinders in some parts. To earn the biggest profit from the One-piece Flow, the cylinders’ automatic distribution should be improved. |