摘要: | 國內經濟因受高油價及雙卡效應的影響,造成新車市場大幅衰退3成以上,因此台灣地區汽車策略重心已由「新車銷售市場」移轉到「售後服務市場」;在新顧客取得不易舊有客戶又流失的情形下,如何維持舊客戶的忠誠並建立品牌口碑促進銷售,「服務滿意」就成為了各汽車保修廠最積極投入的工作。但業者過份的投入各種顧客滿意的服務活動,真正獲得了顧客的認同嗎?這是本研究主要要探討的。 本研究以Parasuraman 、Zeithaml 及 Berry(1988)三位學者提出之「服務品質觀念性模式」深入探討各服務品質構成要素,分析顧客的服務期望與服務認知差距,進而瞭解顧客的真正需求與影響其滿意的背景;在統計分析上則運用描述性統計、效度分析、信度分析、t 檢定、變異數分析等進行研究及假設驗證。研究結果顯示顧客最重視的仍是汽車保修的本質,也就是「值得信賴的專業知識與技術能力」、「一次把車修好」。另外,因個案公司之歷史背景因素,對其保修廠整體外觀形象、人員儀容整潔等之「有形性」亦提出分析結論與建議,故透過本研究結論,可對相關業者在執行顧客滿意活動時提供有用的參考,並可因此讓業者與顧客間對服務品質的認知與期望差距縮小。 Owing to rising oil prices and the fact that most people hold more than one credit card in the domestic market, sales of new cars have fallen more than 30%. Therefore, the strategy of most car companies in Taiwan is changing from the “new car market” to the “after-sales market.” Moreover, every car company has become devoted to “Service Satisfaction” and has tried to both maintain the loyalty of old customers and establish their own brands. However, is it true that customers appreciate it when car companies put too much effort in various customers satisfaction activities? That is the focus of this study. This study is based on the theory of “SERVQUAL” proposed by Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry (1988), and we are going to discuss each service quality element, analyze the differences between a customer's expectations and the perceived service, and further understand the real needs of a customer and the reasons affecting his/her satisfaction. In statistical analysis, we use descriptive statistics, validity analysis, reliability analysis, t-Test, and one-way ANOVA as methods to analyze and examine data. The result of this study shows that what a customer really cares about is the basic points of car maintenance – professional knowledge and technical skills. In addition, we propose conclusions and suggestions on the image and its tangible aspects (outfits of service personnel, for example) of the company in the case study on the basis of its history and background. In summary, we hope that this study can be a useful reference when related businesses are conducting their customer satisfaction activities. Furthermore, through this study, the differences between expected and perceived service quality can be reduced. |