[摘要] 目前有許多企業組織正熱衷於導入推展六標準差管理流程。初始大多借助外部顧問公司的協助來建構企業六標準差基本架構與改善模式,而目前相關文獻大多以企業組織高階領導人或高階管理者的角度出發,以六標準差改善專案為焦點,側重DMAIC或DFSS等改善方法論來討論六標準差的規劃、實踐與執行,或著重於討論六標準差導入的成功關鍵因素,較少以企業組織內的六標準差推行單位的角度來探討六標準差導入推行過程中遇到之問題與困難。 本論文從六標準差推行單位的角度出發,以TFT-LCD平面顯示器製造公司六標準差導入與推行之個案,說明在規劃導入推行六標準差過程中,六標準差推行單位如何在資源有限與面臨到內部顧客排斥與阻礙的情況下,重新思考六標準差推行單位自身角色與運作方式。 在經過相關文獻之探討並整理出六標準差導入與行銷之異同,綜結可運用策略行銷規劃階段流程,輔以消費者行為研究了解內部顧客的心理,將六標準差理念與方法論視為一個產品,將推行者定位為六標準差的行銷者,透情勢分析、內部顧客行為研究與因應方案發想、行銷STP策略與產品組合訂定六標準差導入與推展計劃,行銷六標準差予企業組織之內部與潛在顧客。 最後,六標準差的導入實屬企業文化變革,要有效導入六標準差必需透過六標準差理念的分享與全體員工溝通,經由溝通產生共識,藉由共識而凝聚成強大的力量,變革執行方法與行銷理念之結合或許能為未來進行一步研究之方向。 [Abstract] Currently, there are many corporations zealously introducing Six Sigma- a business transformation program. Initially, they often build the infrastructure and framework foundation with the help of a Six Sigma consulting company for a successful implementation. Most literatures discuss Six Sigma planning, practice and execution with focuses on the improvement projects and methodologies from the view of executive leaders or top management or put emphasis on the critical factors which drive a successful Six Sigma implementation in a corporation. Few of the existing literatures detail the problems and difficulties encountered during implementation from the view of a Six Sigma steering committee or team of a corporation. This study describes how a Six Sigma steering team to rethink and reposition its role and Six Sigma deployment plan under the constraints on resources and repulsion or obstacles from internal customers during a Six Sigma implementation. After conferring the related literatures and summarizing the differences between Six Sigma implementation and marketing strategies, we found that the strategic marketing planning process including STP analysis, customer behavior for understanding customers and product portfolio can be integrated into and used on the planning on Six Sigma implementation and deployment. Last, Six Sigma implementation is a corporation culture transformation. Communicating the reasons of Six Sigma with all employees leads to a successful Six Sigma implementation. Through communication to have the consensus and the consensus generates the power. Accordingly, the combination of marketing and change management might be a research direction to a successful Six Sigma implementation for a Six Sigma steering team.