Abstract: | 偏光板是液晶顯示器不可或缺的關鍵零組件,昔日由少數大廠所寡佔,,在環境快速變動與產業高度競爭下,寡佔的局面已悄悄被打破。因此迅速地推出符合市場、顧客需求的新產品是企業維持競爭優勢的一個重要方法。所以為縮短送樣時程及提昇新產品開發送樣成功率,提昇及有效規畫產能效率,是保有最佳競爭條件的必要途徑,本研究主要是從產品成熟度、產品結構、製程條件、客戶需求等四個構面進行全面性、系統性地探討,找出影響送樣時程之所有因子,並對其間之關聯性加以分析並說明如何將產品依各項條件整理出對送樣時程有影響之條件,並進行分類及探討製程條件如何影響送樣時程,並進行估算;因應顧客對品檢與品質的要求,而對送樣時程之影響;提出送樣時程估算之運作模式,最後提出新產品開發流程改造之相關建議。 在本研究中以導入新產品送樣系統去明確定義新產品開發程序以及管理新產品開發的過程,從新產品立案一直到接單生產,皆可監控其進度,並適時可做調整。藉由系統的導入,讓流程透明化,且達到層層卡控及避免疏失產生,可有效監控送樣進度及產品認證結果,並且讓各單位權責劃分清楚,達到分工互助之效果,最後對於整個偏光板新產品開發送樣建立一標準運作模式。 Polarizer is the key component of Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) manufacturing and its technology was dominated by few companies in the past. However, as the market place and the technology become mature, the monopoly of Polarizer technology is now changing.Thus, in order for LCD manufactures to leapfrog and excel in this market and stay competitive, companies need to develop and introduce new products that satisfy customers and market services at an outstanding pace. From author’s point of view, one way to stay competitive is to shorten the sample product lead-time, to increase the accurate hit-rate of new products and to improve the efficiency of production as well. This research exploits four different categories of factors that may influence the market competitiveness: (1) product maturity; (2) product structure; (3) production process; and (4) customer demand. We analyze the results systemtically and screen out the factors that may affect the lead time of the sample product manufacturing process. Finally, this study would point out the relations among factors, segment the factors into categories, and lastly optimalize the production process. This research introduces a novel standard on Sample-test procedure and estimates its time needed to ensure that products can meet customer needs. From this study, we have introduced a novel standard procedure for Sample test have showen how to indicate and define new product procedure, and also have presented how to manage new production and development process. This procedure can be adjusted accordingly and can be used to monitor the production status on new product proposal and manufacturing. After the adoption of this new procedures, the manufacturing process would become more transparent, the milstones and check points can be clearly indicated, and the Sample test status and the results can be really monitored. The procedure can also clearify the role of each division so that each division can work coherently and maximize its outputs. Finally,this study standardizes a new sample test procedure for the development of a new Polarizer product. |