摘要: | 電子產業在台灣整體工業產值中佔有相當比重。隨著因生產及成本所導致的競爭優勢不再,台灣的電子產業紛紛進行海外生產基地的佈局,企圖以全球化的完整佈局創造新的競爭優勢 。其中,又以將生產基地佈局至大陸為最常見的型態。本文以一家高科技電子公司為對象,針對其進行生產基地移轉從計劃到執行完成的過程為案例進行探討。探討層面包含公司的決策背景、執行過程及執行效益的評估。對決策背景及效益評估部份,本文發展了一個決策模型;對執行過程部份,本文以企業流程(Business Process)分析的方法建構一參考模型(Reference Model)。本研究之成果可提供相關產業佈局海外生產基地移轉時之參考。 In Taiwan's Electronic industry, it takes highly output value of Taiwan's overall industry. Through disappeared of competitive cost advantage, Taiwan's Electronic industry has a strong intention to develop new competitive advantage of global expansion. In that, the common type is capacity expansion to China. The subject is a case of Electronic Company, which includes decision problems, business process and performance validation. The research results could be the reference model to related industries while they meet the decision problems of capacity expansion to China. |