資訊科技為人們帶來生活上的便利,也為台灣資訊科技產業代工帶來無線商機。資訊家電的崛起,使台灣多數以電子製造服務﹙EMS﹚與原廠委託設計製造廠﹙ODM﹚為營運模式之電子科技公司重新思索新的運作方式。景氣日漸復甦,台灣科技代工大廠的利潤卻越來越稀薄,從1996年的百分之九?六下滑到2003年的百分之三。代工廠彼此為尋求代工機會而相互競爭,愈漸激烈。 本研究個案以設計代工智慧型手持裝置﹙Smart Handheld﹚為主,其核心產品為個人數位助理﹙Personal Digital Assistant, PDA﹚、個人數位助理電話﹙PDA Phone﹚及智慧型手機﹙Smart Phone﹚。營運初期爭取個人電腦品牌大廠代工訂單,到近年來跨向為電信服務公司設計其品牌商品,憑藉著專業的設計團隊及上下游供應商之密切合作,設計出全球第一台以微軟手機作業平台之智慧型手機,在台灣智慧型手持裝置代工中大放異彩,堪為業界翹楚。 本研究透過個案公司之發展,先從鑽石模型分析台灣發展智慧型手持裝置之整體機會。繼而依現行台灣智慧型手持裝置產業環境深入剖析,利用波特五力分析及SWOT了解個案公司其競爭優劣勢。由外而內探討其企業經營模式並歸納出未來發展之建議。 Along with the conveniences many people enjoyed from the rise of Information Technology, a great deal of Taiwanese companies embraced countless business opportunities with a simple and direct ODM model. However, with the emphasis and rising importance on Information Appliance, most EMS- and ODM-focused companies in Taiwan are noticing that what their ODM model is not working. Reassessing their strategy and business model is a must and so many of them are shifting their gears from PC to Information Appliance. The shift is a result of 2 harsh facts: The business as a whole is expanding but traditional OEM business model is not benefitting, with a suffering gross profit from 9.6% in 1996 to 3% in 2003. The price war is a vicious cycle and has turned out to be a dead end. To survive, new changes need to be made. This case study is to present the competitiveness of Taiwan Smart phone ODM model and how it repositions itself with strategies to break the vicious cycle. The Taiwan-based Smart phone leader initally was to focus on the traditional OEM and ODM model but later moved to a more independent design role by collaborating with worldwide major telecom operators embedded with Microsoft Smartphone platform. The company in this case study successfully becomes the driving design power for worldwide notable telecommunication operators enjoying fat profit. This study starts from presenting the insight of how this company grew in Smart handheld develpment to its later innovative business model. The analysis was made through the Diamond model, SWOT and domestic competitors five force as well as strategies it adopted to grab itself an important place in global telecommunication industry.