本研究的主要目的在於技術變動對臺灣製造業勞工之教育薪資報酬的影響作進一步的探討。本研究不同於其它文獻的最大特色,是以【人力運用擬追蹤調查】為主要資料,並結合產業層級的技術變動指標,將1986-2004年之年度資料合併,形成具有panel特性的資料以進行本研究的分析。綜合過去文獻所建構之薪資模型,配合相關資料所提供的變數,設計出個人薪資結構函數,探討在不同技術變動的衡量指標下對薪資影響的效果。 由實證結果我們發現技術變動與教育薪資報酬之間存在正向關係。這與許多過去文獻所支持的論點相同,即為在技術變動率愈高的產業,教育報酬是愈高的。而本研究再進一步去檢驗觀察到與未觀察到的個人特性在解釋技術變動與教育薪資報酬間的正相關所扮演的角色,指出在教育薪資結構上,個人未觀察到的特性有重要的影響力。因此,自觀察到的技術變動效果所產生的教育溢酬,主要是由員工未觀察到的異質性所解釋,此異質性與教育有關,亦即對高教育程度員工之未觀察到的能力或其他特性有大幅度需求的結果。故此教育溢酬與挑選效果(sorting effect)的假說,亦即具有較佳人力資本的勞工傾向於進入較高報酬的產業之論點提供了支持。 The main purpose of this thesis is to analyze the impact of technological change on education wage premium in Taiwan. Different from previous studies, this study uses the dataset of Manpower Utilization Quasi-Longitudinal Survey (MUQLS) and matches a variety of industry-level proxies of technological change to construct a quasi-panel data over the 1986-2004 period to conduct the empirical study. Based on the earnings model and including personal characteristics and technological change variables, the empirical results show that there is a positive correlation between technological change and the educational wage premium, which is consistent with findings in previous studies. That is, the educational wage premium is greater in the industries with rapid technological change. This study further examines the role played by observed and unobserved individual characteristic in explaining the positive relation between technological change and the educational premium, and points out that the unobserved heterogeneity is the main influence on explaining the educational wage structure. Hence, the positive relationship between the educational wage premium and technological change can be primarily explained by worker’s unobserved heterogeneities, which is related with education. This result can be attributed to the greater demand for the unobserved ability and other characteristics of high educated workers, and it provides a supportive view for the hypothesis of sorting effect, that workers with better human capital tend to enter the industry where can pay higher wage rewards.