台灣之鋪面工程屬於民生工業之一環,與民眾生活息息相關。但長期以來,因為台灣地區地狹人稠,而環境條件特殊雨季分布不平均,道路又常因管線埋設與維修,造成道路不平整,成為民眾及道路工程師心中的痛。 研究中發現,問題因政府工務部門面臨人員緊縮及更迭頻頻,造成機關內原有工程經驗傳承青黃不接;且因近年來鋪面養護工作大量產生,大部分年輕工程師未具有柔性鋪面養護知識,無法藉由經驗回饋至工作面上。 是以,本研究透過系統思維的方法,分析鋪面知識內容,建立出鋪面知識主題間的關聯性互動,形成「知識網」。運用知識網進行正向分析、逆向思維、主題關聯,找出鋪面養護時問題的共同性,成功簡化鋪面養護問題成二大主軸,並歸納成三種量化門檻;再依此分為四種破壞型態,構成柔性鋪面鑑別診斷的方法,並將結果發展出二種新技術,來解決目前鋪面問題。最後建立之柔性鋪面知識共享網站,經實證有助於鋪面知識之學習。 Pavement construction is tightly related to the daily lives of those involved. However, for a long time, uneven pavements have been a pain in the heart of the Taiwanese people and road engineers. The causes of uneven pavements include the huge population travelling within the confined area of Taiwan, the uneven distribution of rainy seasons and the frequent reworking of pavements and roads for pipeline/cable construction and maintenance. Studies have also found issues with the limited capacity and frequent changes in human resources in labor departments of the government, which results in a discontinuous project experience in the roads authority. Moreover, due to the large amount of pavement maintenance work produced in recent years, the limited knowledge of young engineers in flexible pavement maintenance has led to difficulties in actual construction. Therefore, this study has systems thinking the level of pavement knowledge and established an interactive link among subjects in pavement knowledge, known as a "knowledge net". With positive analysis, inverse thinking and subject association in the knowledge net, commonality has been found in pavement maintenance issues that have been successfully simplified into two major departments and divided into three quantity evaluation thresholds. Four dispersed models are thereby further classified, providing a structure to the differential diagnosis method of flexible pavements. With the results from this assessment, we further develop two new techniques to solve existing issues concerning pavements. Finally, this study will establish a website to share knowledge about flexible pavements.