國軍實施的裁減兵員方案,造成許多早年投身軍旅的職業軍人,在中年面臨退伍後能否順利再就業問題,本文將就職業軍人有無生涯規畫、是否具備資訊相關能力、退伍後就業機會與適應情形進行探討,並以問卷方式,調查職業軍人退伍再就業狀況,與其生活滿意度,期望能提供政府、國防部在推動組織精簡時之參考。 本研究發現,具資訊工作經驗及事先做好生涯規劃者,確實在再就業上較具有競爭力,其與不具資訊工作經驗者或沒做好(過)生涯規劃者有差異,民間學經歷等也多有益於再就業,因此,為能順利轉換跑道,以減輕家中經歷負擔並提昇生活滿意度,預先規劃與準備是不可或缺的步驟。 The armed forces has conducted a series of downsizing policy. These policies are trying to cut the armed forces to a total of about 185,000. While solving an excess of manpower in the military. The other problem arise. These veterans lost their jobs in their middle age, some of them can’t even find a job after retiring. This study was conducted by questionnaires to survey the current situation or what they think on military veteran. With the study results, this study expects to provide a reference to our government and ministry of national defense for promoting the career planning. This study discovered that people with information management background or one who has setting up their personal career planning before retiring from the military, not only increase the possibility on finding jobs, but also increase their life satisfaction.