Abstract: | 摘 要 水利主管機關在中央為經濟部,在縣市為縣市政府。現行中央水利主管機關為經濟部水利署,是過去歷經產、官、學、研界之研究與建議,漸趨達理想境地。行政院在九十一年五月成立「行政院組織改造委員會」推展行政院組織再造。依行政院組織再造(草案),未來係將水、土、林、空氣等單位予以統合一條鞭之組織架構,成立「環境資源部」。 現行縣市政府之水利主管機關大多分屬於工務局、建設局等單位,未能統合流域水系之水、土、林一元化之組織架構及管理機制。因此,亦應有所調整,以茲應對。 目前,僅有台北縣政府成立「水利及下水道局」、桃園縣政府成立「水務局」、南投縣政府成立「流域管理局」、高雄縣政府成立「水利局」,其他十九個縣市政府尚未建制水利行政之水利主管機關組織架構及管理機制。故本人於縣政府水利單位十餘年之經歷,以台北縣政府成立「水利及下水道局」、桃園縣政府成立「水務局」、南投縣政府成立「流域管理局」、高雄縣政府成立「水利局」之組織架構予以探討,並桃園縣政府水務局(河川課、區域排水課、衛生工程課、水土保持課)為例再予探討,未來各縣市政府之水利行政組織架構(水務局)建議設置-規劃課、工程課、管理課、衛生工程課、資源保育課。其管理機制應建置透明化之標準作業流程(SOP)及「顧客導向」之理念,期符時勢之需求。 Abstract The Water Conservancy Organization, in the Central Government, belonged to the Ministry of Economy; whereas, in the City Government, it belonged to the County and City Governments alike. The contemporary Water Conservancy Organization belongs to the Bureau of Water Conservancy of the Ministry of Economy. It has come to perfection based upon the research and suggestion of the manufacturing and bureaucratic fields, and academic circle. In May 2000, the Executive Yuan established the “Council for Organizational Reform of Executive Yuan” with a view to promoting and evolving the Cabinet’s organizational reform. In accordance with the Bill of the Cabinet’s Organizational Reform, water, soil, forest, and air will be united in the future to set up the :Department of Environmental Resource.” The water conservancy organizations of the rest of the county and city governments are by and large under the Public Work Bureau, Construction Bureau, and so forth that failed to unify the water basin’s organizational structure and managing mechanism. Accordingly, there should be some adjustments to cope with this situation. To date, merely the Taipei, Taoyuan, Nantou, and Kaohsiung County Governments established Department of Water Resources and Sewerage System, Water Resources Bureau, River Basin Bureau, Irrigation Association, and the rest of the county and city governments have not set up the organizational structures and managing mechanisms of the Water Conservancy Organizations. Hence, take the Water Resource Bureau of Taoyuan County Government for instance. According to my experience which has been upwards of a decade of working in the county government’s water conservancy office, I will therefore delve into the county and city governments’ water conservancy organizational structures and managing mechanisms. |