摘要: | 綜觀國內外業主變更設計之案例中,關於工程管理費用求償之部分,皆無一定之求償方式可循,目前求償之方式可分為實支單據法、固定比率法以及計算公式法等;實支單據法無法確實反映所有該增減之管理費用,固定比率法則易造成雙方爭執比率大小而有所爭議,計算公式法雖較客觀,但其僅能計算關於工期展延之部分,無法清楚表示非工期展延期間所損失之工程管理費用,故如何確實有效提供一客觀之管理費求償計算方式則為本研究主要目的。 本研究初步蒐集近16年來國內建築工程變更設計案例共60筆,扣除項目闕漏之案例5筆以及剔除95%信賴區間外之3筆案例後,可得52筆有效案例,經過基本統計分析後,可知總工程管理費增減之金額與業主變更設計增減金額等兩項因子間之相關係數高達0.693,為高度相關,而本研究將針對此二項因子進行回歸分析,以其建立適當之回歸預測方程式,作為往後變更設計案例可提供業主及承包商雙方適當之總管理費求償金額,減少雙方爭執與額外官司費用。 Change is usually inescapable on most construction projects. Such change may include multiple reasons and cause degrees of impact to costs associate with materials, manpower, and overhead. How to quantify project overhead impacted by project change still leaves construction practitioners a task to fulfill. This study is to preliminarily quantify the impact of changes to construction project overhead using statistical methods. The study hypothesis was made to assume that change order impacts and increases project overhead, guiding the data collection to satisfy data sampling assumptions of 95% confidence level and 10% of limits error in 20-80 category proportion. Thus 60 residential construction projects completed in the recent 10 years were collected. Using t-test, F-test, and regression to prove the hypothesis, we established that project change is linearly direct proportion to project overhead with the corresponding R-square at 0.687. Not only the hypothesis is proved but a quantitative tool is derived. Construction practitioners can utilize the regression equation to estimate the increase or decrease of project overhead as a construction project confronting changes. |