政府單位從民國80年起意識到台灣地區營建工程產生的剩餘資源或剩餘土石方處理的衍生問題越來越多,而這些剩餘資源經過處理幾乎可再利用,故政府從規劃土資場的設立相關法規開始一步一步著手,再而對於剩餘資源處理開始加強流向管控稽查;臺北市政府受限於人力、物力等因素,而委託臺北市營建剩餘土石方資源處理商業同業公會協助處理臺北市轄區內各項營建剩餘資源,結合民間力量的合作模式及業者自律規範,期有效解決臺北市營建剩餘土石方管理問題。 本文針對社團法人以自律行為與協助政府執行剩餘資源管理業務之研究,是因中央政府單位將剩餘資源管理歸為地方自治之權限,臺北市政府以結合民間力量的合作模式及業者自律規範方式來執行,希以本文臺北市營建剩餘資源管理執行模式,以供其他縣市政府參考之用。 During rapidly growth economic of Taiwan, civil constructions engineering have been also increased significantly, as the result, the construction surplus sand and gravel have been seriously problem to be solved. Since the year of 1990, Taiwan’s government has been realized these problems, trying to reuse this surplus sand and gravel of construction will be a good solution. Because of the central government of Taiwan’s has given a permission for each county government, in order to manage the flow circumstance of construction surplus sand and gravel, for the first step, county government needs to establish Recycling and Transfer station, then government needs to accomplished “Surplus sand and Gravel of construction treatment program”, for example, Taipei city government has giving an authorize for Taipei construction surplus sand and gravel handling association to manage construction surplus sand and gravel problem at Taipei city. The main purpose of this study is to give assistance for Taipei city government to execute the controlling the surplus sand and gravel of construction, however Taipei city government using private sector cooperation model and self discipline from each producer to subscribe Managing method for surplus sand and gravel of construction, hopefully the result of this study could be a reference for the other’s county government to manage surplus sand and gravel of construction.