台灣地狹人稠,資源產量不豐沛,完全須仰賴進口,國際石油情勢,時常是我國無法掌握,另加上國際政治因素,使我國資源購買情勢更加嚴峻。由於國際油價直接及間接影響國內營建業主要材料(包含鋼筋、水泥、砂石、瀝青)之價格,所以本研究將透過過去美國的西德洲中級原油(WTI)油價對台灣營建研究院統計鋼筋、水泥、砂石、瀝青等四項重要營建材料漲跌幅進行深入之研究,比較分析歷年油價波動對上述建材價格之影響,並對於行政院工程會函頒「中央機關已訂約工程因應國內營建物價變動之物價調整處理原則」與分析出的預測模式相互探討問題及解決等對策。 In Taiwan, most resources are not plentiful. Therefore, the demand of oil energy must be dependent on import. Furthermore, the international crude oil usually have influence directly and indirectly on the price of construction materials in Taiwan. In order to find out the influence impact of international crude oil for construction industry, this research studies the impact and fluctuation of the oil price on the price of construction raw materials (including steel, cement, sand, and asphalts) based on American crude oil of West Texas Intermediate (WTI). Furthermore, the study develops the forecast mode of price adjustment and suggestions for the government when they need to consider the price adjustment.