瀝青混凝土拌和廠(以下簡稱AC廠)目前機具大多維持人工控制與調整,生產時各項機具之開關操作皆需要熟練之操作員於現場操作,而生產流程與時間之掌握,以及流量參數調整等項目,僅依據操作員自身經驗與判斷進行。如此狀況下,除生產品質無法有效掌控與維持外,如因操作員離職或其他情事,而無法親自操作時,將使得生產營運發生影響,本研究即是希望藉由AC廠導入電子化來改善此方面的問題。首先,本研究先針對AC廠的生產工作流程來進行檢討與改進,然後在依據新的工作流程來制訂電子化相關環節,而本研究的AC廠電子化主要可分四大部分e化生產管制系統、e化品質管制系統、e化車隊管理系統與人力派遣系統建置,建制完成之後在整合為一個完整之系統,整合後可以全面掌控到AC廠整個人身安全、物料、車輛與最重要的混凝土品質,對於AC廠的助益頗大,整個過程投入的成本約壹百萬元整,電子化後每公噸的節省總成本約60元新台幣,以一個每年出產十萬噸的工廠,不到一年的時間即可回收其成本,綜合上述幾點來看,全面e化的AC廠確實可行,也將是提升業者競爭力的最佳利器,值得進一步來推廣與研究。 Up to now, most of conventional Asphalt Plant operations are still upon human. The employees’ experience will have huge important affect the asphalt concrete quality. To keep the quality well, staff’s training and education are one solution to solve this problem. Unfortunately, educated employee change or leave is easy to see in every factory. That will cause influence to operation and product quality. Base on those above reasons; build a Total e Asphalt Plant System (TeAP) would be best feasible solution for asphalt plant owner. The study was tried to construction an e asphalt plant system. The first step of improvement was to make new work flow. After make an all new work flow, A TeAP would be established. The TeAP systems have four minor parts. They include e produce system, e quality management system, e vehicles assignment system, and human resource assignment system. After verification, the TeAP will help owner to control every behavior and action in factory. The cost of Build up a TeAP was about one millions NTD. The benefit of asphalt concrete is 60 NTD per ton. Based on two results, the cost of TeAP will be retrieved within one year. Above all, TeAP system should be a best feasible solution to improvement of conventional asphalt plant. It is worthy to further study.