台灣因所在地理位置特殊,長期以來一直遭受天然災害的威脅,我國自災害防救法頒佈後,明文規定當中央及各級政府無法因應災害處理時可以申請軍隊支援。根據本研究分析比較發現,各級政府對風災及水災等造成大範圍災害之應變處理能力較薄弱,主要原因在各級政府雖有相關災害防救應變機制,卻無專業且人力、設備均齊全之單位可以執行災害救援;此外派遣軍隊從事非必要性的支援,將造成各級政府對法令原意的曲解及額外的成本支出,因此,如何規劃未來災害救援人力需求並審慎檢討派遣軍隊支援之必要性,實為極待探討之課題。 本研究透過分析我國民國85-95年間曾經派遣軍隊支援之災害,針對其種類之關聯性、與民間志願服務團體之差異及派遣區隔、災害防救法施行前後之差異等實施分析比較並檢討其作業方式,並據以提出相關規劃及改善建議,包括:成立防救災替代役、軍方救災定位應明確、審慎評估派遣軍隊之必要性及民防組織與全民防衛動員機制應發揮實際功效等。 Taiwan constantly prone to the threats from natural disasters is located in the specific geographic location with potential risk of earthquake and typhoon. In Disaster Prevention and Protection Act formally issued in July 200, it defines the liability and responsibility of military forces in supporting central and local governments for emergency response and quick relief. In the reviewing the past practices of typhoon and flooding, the main shortage and insufficiency in all levels of governments include lacking of fully equipped task force and specific personnel to face the challenges, even all the required mechanism and framework are detailed by laws. And the military sectors with advanced facilities, rapid mobility and well-trains human resources are eligible for assisting governments in the most emergency occasions. On the other hand, the proper deployment of military sectors to avoid the unnecessary resource waste leading to miss-application of laws and extra expense will attract carefully exploration and research for pursuit of comprehensive participation from daily training to emergency response from the military. By comparison of dispatched forces within 1996 ~ 2006 to facilitate emergency response and post-disaster relief, the study proposes the suggestions and planning including the new design of Military Substitute Service for disaster prevention and protection, the definite boundary and role for military sectors in the disaster related process, the quick evaluation mechanism for military dispatch and joint cooperation with civil and existing organizations.