路面不平整肇致民眾生命財產損失,一直為政府部門國賠案件之大宗,惟路面平整之維護管理,除路權單位努力外,亦須仰賴學術單位、中央主管機關、地方政府、管線單位及施工廠商等產官學之相互配合,並透過法令訂定、觀念宣導、教育訓練及督察管考等方式,齊心協力,始能達成路平之目標。本論文以鄉鎮市公所為例,探討基層地方單位如何配合中央及地方政府法令及政策執行路平專案,建立具效益、有效率、又務實的路平專案管理策略,以提供民眾安全舒適及平整之道路。 Uneven of the road cause the loss of people’s life and property. Such kind of incident could be the major issue of national compensation for damage. The management of road maintains job need not only the effort of road administration institute but also the cooperation from academic circles, central government organization, local government function, pineline system organization and unit in charge of construction. To achieve the goal of “flat road”, we also need the complete law and decrees, concept education, audit and superintend. In thesis, we use township and county office as the example to discuss how local government cooperate with central government for “flat road” project. It could be helpful to create beneficial, efficient and concrete management strategy in order to provide safe, comfortable and flat road.