本論文以開發一套智慧型攝影機開發平台為目標,考量過去影像處理系統的優缺點,並加入MODBUS通訊協定,使此開發平台得以直接使用多數具有MODBUS協定的自動化控制裝置,改良原始影像傳輸設計,使此平台不僅能透過本身擷取影像,更可以由使用者上傳指定圖像,最後設計影像處理工作排程器,讓整個影像處理辨識過程更加靈活,透過上述功能使整套系統在協助視覺控制的開發能越發快速。 The main purpose of this thesis is to set up a Camera Develop Platform with digital image processing and analysis. We consult the previous image processing system, and integrate MODBUS protocol into this platform. Therefore, this platform enables to communicate with many automation devices. We also improve the original image transmission method. Now, user can upload the image to the platform. Then we designed a scheduling firmware for image processing. It could be easy to verify the image analysis algorithm. We hope this platform can assist the developer to work better.