如同一般開發中國家面對可用淡水資源時所遭遇的眾多難題中,吉里巴斯同樣也 面臨了人力及財源不足的窘境。吉里巴斯係一眾多小島組成的國家,而這意味著水資源與吉國的發展息息相關。因此,以永續發展為目標下,水資源管理試圖合理地運用島上資源。 本文通篇研究在吉里巴斯的水資源管理,尤其是首都塔拉瓦南部。研究重心在於南塔拉瓦的雨水收集應用案例。由於在南塔拉瓦,任何水資源都與吉里巴斯政府的需求、應用及政策緊密相關。因此,為了對水資源管理的決策有更近一步地瞭解,水資源狀況的評估也是本文研究的重點。 The issue of available freshwater resources for Kiribati involves many of the problems facing developing countries in general, including both inadequate human and financial resources. The diminutive size of the islands of Kiribati and the country as a whole means that development and freshwater resources are closely related and interlinked. Water resource management must therefore seek to rationalize the use of island resources with the goals of sustainable development. This study focuses in general on water resources management in Kiribati particularly in South Tarawa, the Capital. The main part of this study is the introduction of rainwater harvesting and its applicability in the case of South Tarawa. However every water resources are interlinked to the needs, practices and policies of the Kiribati government, an important situation in South Tarawa. Hence the assessment of the state of freshwater resources is also important to be included in this study, in order to achieve a better understanding of water for management decisions.