不斷增加的固體廢棄物問題一直困擾著貝里斯政府,而相關資訊的缺乏使得情況更為惡化。為了解決廢棄物的問題,貝里斯政府已展開固體廢棄物管理計畫,目標為興建廢棄物掩埋場,並整修原有的廢棄物處理廠。 除上述問題外,貝里斯政府也面臨了能源安全問題。貝里斯的石化燃料全仰賴進口;整體而言,國內所需能源有將近75%來自國外。 為解決這兩大議題,本文提議將廢棄物轉為能源之設施,與中央掩埋廠一起結合運用。本文初步探討四種將廢棄物轉為能源技術的可行性:焚化、氣化、厭氧消化和堆肥。 本文最主要目的為找出最合適之能源技術。文內以科技、經濟與環保為衡量標準,旨在評判出最具效率、最經濟且對環境造成最小危害之能源技術。 本文分別就各項技術蒐集其科技、經濟與環境之特性。透過分析層級程序法(AHP),將技術及評估標準轉為相對之權重及排序,各因素權重及排序結合的最終結果將會顯示何項為最適用之技術。 本文利用AHP方法,結果顯示焚化技術不僅滿足廢棄物處理與能源生產之需求,同時能減少80%廢棄物量,並產生大量的能量供給國內使用,為最合適之技術。 Belize has a growing solid waste problem that is plaguing the country. This problem is further magnified due to a lack of information. To remedy the solid waste problem, the government has developed a national solid waste management plan which calls for the construction of a central sanitary landfill and the refurbishment of existing disposal sites. In addition to the above, the country is also faced with a problem of energy security. The country imports 100 % of the fossil fuels used in the country. Overall, about 75% of the total energy demand for the country is obtained from foreign / external sources. With these two issues in mind, this thesis proposes the construction of a waste to energy facility to be used in conjunction with the central landfill. This thesis undertakes a preliminary investigation to ascertain the feasibility of four (4) waste to energy technologies namely incineration, gasification, anaerobic digestion and composting. The ultimate objective of this preliminary study is to identify the most suitable technology. The technologies are evaluated based on their respective technical, economic and environmental merits, the preferred technology being the most technically efficient, economically efficient and resulting in the least environmental damage. Information pertaining to the technical, economic and environmental attributes is collected for each of the technologies. Using an Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP), the technologies and the evaluation criteria are given a relative weigh and rank. This weight and rank are subsequently combined and leads to the identification of the preferred technology. For this thesis, the preferred technology based on the AHP conducted is incineration. This satisfies both requirements of solid waste treatment and energy generation, offering an 80% reduction in the volume of waste and generating a considerable amount of energy that can be sold to the local grid.