房地產仲介在宏都拉斯近年來變成是賺錢的生意,同時也是國家希望能用於脫離貧窮的政策,因此民眾有機會參與房地產買賣及租賃的投資。但很遺憾的,這個可賺錢的事業缺少創意及創新的經營,這個問題其實可藉整合網路、GIS、及資訊著手。 基本構想是利用網路提供想買賣房地產民眾快速、便宜、方便的服務。這種網路的新服務將會吸引民眾的注意,譬如可利用Google map找出週遭地區有興趣的學校、公園、市場等。 本研究所研發的系統可讓使用者快速且輕易的找尋及買賣房地產。只要進入網頁所有相關資訊就一覽無遺,同時不需要仲介公司的媒介,買賣雙方就可直接互相交換資訊。本研究主要目的是利用創新科技來改革宏都拉斯房地產的仲介方式,以滿足買賣雙方的交易。 Developing real estate in Honduras over the last few years has become a profitable business that is growing day by day, and additionally has become part of a plan from the government to abolish poverty. As a result people have been given the opportunity to either buy a house or simply rent. Sadly this lucrative business is not managed efficiently because of the lake of creativity and innovation. This problem could be solved with the help of the Internet, some GIS tools and the proper information. The basic idea is to offer a service online that can be provided as a tool for those people who want to sell their home in a fast, cheap and convenient way. In this type of business it is important to give service that is new, refreshing and different, so more people will be interested in what you are offering. For instance we can use the Google map as a tool to query any elements of interest potential customers might have, like schools, parks, markets, and so on, of the surrounding area. One of the biggest advantages of this system is that it makes the search for or selling of a property fast and easy. By just looking at a webpage the interested buyer already knows most of the information without leaving home or work. It also gives a quick access to owner’s information without an intermediary, so both parties won’t have to lose time meeting with a broker, which is the basic case of a conventional real estate company. The intention of this research is to improve the way of doing real estate in Honduras with new techniques and innovations so both seller and costumer can be satisfied.