在貝里斯邊境的托萊多(Toledo)地區,其社會經濟狀況非常惡劣,居民皆稱其為 ”被遺忘的區域”,為了改善此地農村的貧困情形,貝里斯政府和義大利的捐贈者合作,在San Benito Poite社區每戶的屋頂上均一地安裝太陽屋系統(SHS)。本篇論文採用由Ilskog (2008)提出專門為鄉村電力化所設計的能源指標來評估此改善計畫的永續性,隨後透過調查與訪問來研究此指標結果。此研究顯示太陽能計畫對社區有眾多社會助益,尤其是對相對弱勢的婦女與孩童。在評量此計畫的永續性,發現其在經濟、社會面向表現不佳,但是在技術和環境的面向表現佳。此外而經濟永續性極其重要,因為它和科技永續性息息相關。蓄電池、調節器與變頻器都需要更換、維修,但此計畫卻缺乏所需的相關經費,導致此太陽屋計畫的永續性充滿不確定因素。從此計畫的經濟永續性層面的缺失,點出了能源生產稅抵免制度的需要,如此才能透過此機制提供資金貸款。然而此計畫中的居民非常貧困,故其對系統維修的支付意願低,連帶也使得社區參與度和計畫永續性的表現不佳。本論文針對計畫中永續評量差的部份提出改善建議,以使計畫能永續發展。 The Toledo district in Belize is locally known as the ‘forgotten district’. The poor performance of socio-economic status can affirm why it has been named so. However, in the attempt to alleviate poverty in rural Toledo, the Government of Belize jointly with an Italian donor equally distributed and installed SHS to each home in San Benito Poite community. This study however uses energy indicators specifically designed for rural electrification purposes by Ilskog (2008), to assess the sustainability of the project. The indicators were investigated through surveys and interviews. The studies revealed that the project produced many social benefits to the community especially to the most vulnerable, women and children. Upon measuring the sustainability, the project performed poorly in the economical and social dimension and positively in the technical and environmental dimension. Despite the many social benefits identified by the investigations, the performance indicator for social dimension resulted negative. In addition, the importance of economic sustainability is vital as it is closely linked to the technical sustainability. Batteries, regulator and inverters need to be replaced but with no financing available, the sustainability of SHS is uncertain and as a result future generations will be short-changed of this commodity. Being economical unsustainable highlights the need of an energy credit institution to be available for financing and the implementation of a tariff for users. However, the circumstances in which this project was carried out hampers the community’s participation in any effort to make it sustainable especially in the general willingness-to-pay. This study makes recommendations of means, which can make the project sustainable in the areas which it scored negatively.