皮革製品在日常生活中的應用可說是十分廣泛,有關於紋路的製作,傳統做法乃採用化學蝕刻的方式,但此一方法有耗時、紋路準確性、環境污染等諸多問題。近年來隨著雕刻機技術的進步,使得其精度提升到0.01mm以下,因此可用來雕刻精密度較高的皮紋紋路模具。本研究目的乃發展一套配合CNC雕刻機加工的應用軟體,解決處理皮紋時的問題,以提高機器的附加價值。由於皮紋資料是掃描器或數位照相機所擷取到的影像檔案,而且影響一幅影像品質的因素很多,如外在環境、硬體設備等。因此,要改善它並非僅靠單一方法就可以解決,必須結合各種影像處理技術交替使用。本研究第一階段的重點為發展皮紋影像處理之各種方法,包括有影像強化、邊界辨識、雜訊消除、影像複製等功能。在皮紋影像轉為3D點資料後,有鑒於以點或線框模式來檢視皮紋紋路的正確與否是非常困難的。所以本研究第二階段的重點為發展塗彩和打光的系統,藉由相關參數的設定,建造一個可以即時預視的皮紋實體模型。 The application of leather’s product is very popular in daily life. Traditional methods adopt etching about pattern design. But there are several problems such as waste time, pattern exactly, pollution of the environment and so on. As engraving machine center’s technology improve, its accuracy have reached 0.01mm today. Therefore it can be used to engrave mold that need more accuracy. The main purpose of this paper is to develop the software by CNC machine and increase additional value.There are many reason that influence the quality of image such as lighting and hardware. So it can combine several kinds of image processing technology to solve it. In this paper we focus on two parts. First, develop several methods to process pattern image, including image enhancement, edge detection, noise eliminate and image copy. After image date has transfered to cloud, it’s very difficult to check pattern accurately by wireframe model. Second, develop shading system to build a real time model.