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    顯示項目101-150 / 495. (共10頁)
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    2015-09-11 非線性大氣游離波的數值模型;Numerical Modeling of Nonlinear Ionization Waves Propagating through Atmosphere 郭政靈; 蘇漢宗; 許瑞榮; 陳炳志
    2015-09-11 限制型與爆發型太陽閃焰之磁場特性分析;Analyses of Magnetic Field Properties in Confined and Eruptive Solar Flares 楊雅惠; 蔡宗哲
    2015-09-11 徑向行星際磁場事件中的波動與熱力學過程;Wave and Thermal Processes in the Solar Wind under the Radial Imf Condition. 許志浤
    2015-09-11 無碰撞太空電漿中粒子加速以及加速粒子相關之大振幅波動的研究;A Study of Particle Acceleration and Their Association with Large Amplitude Waves in the Collisionless Space Plasma 呂凌霄; 陳明桂
    2015-09-11 電離層地震前兆( IV );Seismo-Ionospheric Precursor (IV) 劉正彥; 蔡和芳; 陳玉英
    2015-09-11 磁鞘大尺度電漿噴射流的起源;Origin of Large-Scale Plasma Jets in the Magnetosheath 狄米奇
    2015-09-11 磁爆期間擾動發電電場的確認;Identification of Dynamo Electric Fields in the Storm Time 黃健民
    2015-09-11 福衛三號衛星研究赤道大氣克耳文波與聖嬰南方振盪之關聯;Influence of El Nino Southern Oscillation on Equatorial Atmospheric Kelvin Waves Using Formosat-3/Cosmic Data 潘貞杰; 賴信志
    2015-09-11 羅塞達彗星研究和卡西尼的土星環觀察;Rosetta Study of Comet 67p/Churyumov-Gerasimenko and the Close-Up Observation of the Saturnian Rings by Cassini 葉永烜
    2014-09-10 GPS電波掩星法反演電離層散塊E層的研究;Sporadic-E Layer Study by Gps Radio Occultation Method 蘇清論
    2014-09-10 大氣放電產生的聲波數值模型;Numerical Model of Acoustic Wave Generated by Atmospheric Discharge 郭政靈
    2014-09-10 中層大氣准二年震盪與背景風場對高層大氣變化之機制與呈現;Impact and Mechanisms of Middle Atmosphere Qbo and Background Wind Changes on the Upper Atmosphere 張起維
    2014-09-10 太空與磁層電漿環境中電流片、不穩定性與非線性電漿波之流體與微觀物理研究;Fluid and Kinetic Physics of Current Sheets, Instabilities and Nonlinear Waves in Space and Magnetospheric Plasma Environments 郝玲妮
    2014-09-10 太陽閃焰的準分界層與磁重聯關係之研究;Investigation of the Relationship between Quasi-Separatrix Layer and Magnetic Reconnection in Solar Flares 楊雅惠
    2014-09-10 日地太空環境中高能粒子運動所產生的電磁波輻射之跨尺度研究;A Cross-Scale Study of Electromagnetic Wave Radiations Due to Motion of Energetic Particles in the Solar-Terrestrial Space Environment (1) 呂凌霄
    2014-09-10 同化福衛三號掩星全電子含量建構赤道異常區電離層模式;A Assimilation Model of the Ionosphere in the Equatorial Anomaly Regions with the Formosa-3 Occultation Tec 陳明桂
    2014-09-10 利用衛星資料研究中氣層之長程氣候特性( III );Climatology Studies of the Mesosphere by Using Satellites 潘貞杰
    2014-09-10 研究由福衛一號觀測所得之晨昏電漿垂直移動;The Study of Vertical Plasma Drifts at Dawn Observed by the Rocsat-1 黃健民
    2014-09-10 徑向行星際磁場的起源和結構;Origin and Structure of the Radial Interplanetary Magnetic Field 許志浤
    2014-09-10 彗星大氣和行星冰質衛星的噴氣現象的研究;Space Study of Cometary Atmosphere and Gas Plumes of Icy Moons 葉永烜
    2014-09-10 電離層地震前兆(III);Seismo-Ionospheric Precursor (III) 劉正彥
    2014-09-10 電離層散塊E層電子密度不規則體移行速度與形成機制的研究;On the Investigation of Drift Velocity of Electron Density Irregularities in Ionospheric Sporadic E Layer 朱延祥
    2014-09-10 與復發性地磁爆相關聯的低緯電離層負爆;Negative Ionospheric Storms Related to Recurrent Geomagnetic Disturbances 狄米奇
    2014-09-10 整合低緯地區電離層斷層掃描網(LITN)與閃爍觀測系統(SCINDA)於電離層不規則體動態研究( II );Joined Observations of the Litn and Scinda for the Study of Ionospheric Irregularity Dynamics Ii, &Amp;Amp; Iii 劉兆漢
    2014-03-10 三軸整合數位式探空火箭姿態量測模組之研發;Integrated 3-Axial Digital Apectmeter for Sounding Rocket 趙吉光
    2014-03-10 太陽風對磁層頂結構和動力學的影響;Influence of the Solar Wind on the Structure and Dynamics of the Magnetopause 許志浤; 楊雅惠
    2013-12-01 福衛五號先進電離層探測儀先期科學研究-夜間中低緯度地區電漿溫度結構;Preliminary Study of Advanced Ionospheric Probe for Formosat-5 Satellite - Nighttime Plasma Temperature Crests and Troughs in the Low- and Mid-Latitudes 趙吉光
    2013-12-01 整合低緯地區電離層斷層掃描網(LITN)與閃爍觀測系統(SCINDA)於電離層不規則體動態研究;Joined Observations of the Litn and Scinda for the Study of Ionospheric Irregularity Dynamics I, Ii, &Amp; Iii 劉兆漢; 蔡龍治
    2013-12-01 中層大氣準靜電場模型的研究;Quasi-Electrostatic Model in the Middle Atmosphere 郭政靈; 許瑞榮; 蘇漢宗; 陳炳志
    2013-12-01 太空電漿中激震波與邊界層附近之非線性波動產生機制與電漿加熱加速以及電流耗散過程的理論與數值模擬研究 (III);A Theoretical and Numerical Simulation Study of the Generations of Nonlinear Waves, Plasma Heating, Acceleration, and Current Dissipation in the Vicinity of the Shock Waves and Boundary Layers in the Space Plasmas (3) 呂凌霄; 陳明桂
    2013-12-01 太空電漿環境中電流片與非線性波物理之研究;Physics of Current Sheet and Nonlinear Waves in Space Plasma Environment 郝玲妮
    2013-12-01 太陽閃焰起始條件: SDO觀測及模式研究;Initiation of Solar Flare: Sdo Observation and Modeling 楊雅惠
    2013-12-01 以特高頻雷達與雨滴譜儀研究雨滴粒徑迦瑪分布形狀-斜率參數二次多項式之普遍性;The Use of Vhf Radar Combined with Ground-Based Disdrometer to Study the Universality of the Empirical Shape-Slope Parameter Second-Order Polynomial Relation for the Gamma Raindrop Size Distribution 朱延祥; 施順鵬; 蘇清論
    2013-12-01 台灣大氣科學共同資料服務平台—台灣太空科學資料庫;Common Data Service Platform of Atmospheric Science Data in Taiwan –Taiwan Space Science 陳明桂; 許瑞榮; 蔡龍治; 趙吉光; 呂凌霄; 蘇清論; 劉正彥
    2013-12-01 合唱波與內磁層環境之交互關係:西蜜斯衛星觀測;The Interactions between Chorus Waves and Inner Magnetosphere: Themis Observations 許志浤
    2013-12-01 低緯度磁鞘電漿噴射流的統計研究;Statistical Investigation of Low-Latitude Magnetosheath Plasma Jets 狄米奇
    2013-12-01 利用衛星資料研究中氣層之長程氣候特性(第二年);Climatology Studies of the Mesosphere by Using Satellites 潘貞杰; 陳中亮
    2013-12-01 研究太陽噴發事件和太陽活動區之關係;The Dynamics of Solar Eruptions and the Structures of Active Regions 林佳賢
    2013-12-01 彗星和土星衛星及環系統大氣層的太空測量研究;Study of the Atmospheres of Comets, Saturn and Its Satellites and Rings via Spacecraft Explorations 葉永烜
    2013-12-01 運用中壢30 MHz雷達和福爾摩沙衛星三號研究電離層散塊E層5公尺尺度電子密度不規則體;Campaign Study of 5-Meter Irregularities from Ionosphere Sporadic E Layer by Using Chung-Li 30 Mhz Radar and Formosat-3 Satellites 蘇清論
    2013-12-01 電離層地震前兆(II);Seismo-Ionospheric Precursor (II) 劉正彥; 蔡和芳; 陳玉英
    2013-12-01 電離層擾動發電的理論檢驗;Theoretical Inspection of Ionospheric Disturbance Dynamo 黃健民
    2013-05-01 大氣放電的模擬研究 ; The simulation studies on atmospheric discharges 郭政靈; 蔡宗哲
    2013-05-01 中層大氣與電離層之潮汐及行星波變化 ; Tidal and Planetary Wave Variability in the Middle Atmosphere and Ionosphere 張起維; 林建宏
    2013-05-01 太陽風對磁層頂結構和動力學的影響 ; Influence of the Solar Wind on the Structure and Dynamics of the Magnetopause 許志浤; 楊雅惠
    2013-05-01 利用福衛三號探索太空與大氣(科學探索計畫)-利用福衛三號探索太空環境科學(科學探索計畫)( II ) 劉正彥; 張桂祥; 林沛練
    2012-12-01 中層大氣與電離層之潮汐及行星波變化;Tidal and Planetary Wave Variability in the Middle Atmosphere and Ionosphere 張起維; 林建宏
    2012-12-01 太空電漿中激震波與邊界層附近之非線性波動產生機制與電漿加熱加速以及電流耗散過程的理論與數值模擬研究(2);A Theoretical and Numerical Simulation Study of the Generations of Nonlinear Waves, Plasma Heating, Acceleration, and Current Dissipation in the VI Cinity of the Shock Waves and Boundary Layers in the Space Plasmas (2) 呂凌霄; 陳明桂
    2012-12-01 太空電漿環境中電流片與非線性波物理之研究;Physics of Current Sheet and Nonlinear Waves in Space Plasma Environment 郝玲妮
    2012-12-01 太陽閃焰硬X射線源與日冕層磁場關聯性之研究;On the Relationship between Hard X-Ray Sources and Coronal Magnetic Fields in Solar Flares 楊雅惠

    顯示項目101-150 / 495. (共10頁)
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