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    2018-12-19 福衛五號先進電離層探測儀量測離子溫度脊與溫度谷之特性;Ion Temperature Crests and Troughs Measured by Aip Onboard Formosat-5 Satellite 趙吉光
    2018-12-19 整合研究與測試地震前兆(3/4);National Central University/Institute of Space Science(III) 劉正彥; 陳界宏; 陳玉英
    2018-12-19 大氣垂直運動對剖風雷達反演空中雨滴粒徑分布影響的研究;On the Study of Vertical Air Motion Effect on the Profiler-Retrieved Drop Size Distribution 朱延祥; 蘇清論
    2018-12-19 子計畫:利用流星雷達與電離層雷達研究電離層散塊E層不規則體特性與重力波間相關性;The Study of Relationship between Gravity Waves and Ionospheric Sporadic E Irregularities by Meteor Radar and Ionospheric Radar 蘇清論
    2018-12-19 內輻射帶至中緯度電離層之高能粒子入射;Probabilistic Model of Energetic Particle Enhancements: Injections and Effects in the Low-Latitude Ionosphere 蘇亞拉
    2018-10-01 太陽閃焰能量釋放與粒子加速之無線電波診斷 (兩岸合作研究:太陽系天體與系外行星系統-其他) ;Radio Diagnostics of Energy Release and Particle Acceleration in Solar Flares 楊雅惠
    2018-08-01 內輻射帶至中緯度電離層之高能粒子入射 ;Probabilistic Model of Energetic Particle Enhancements: Injections and Effects in the Low-Latitude Ionosphere 蘇亞拉
    2018-08-01 高層大氣酬載之國際合作立方體衛星任務開發與作業 ;International Cubesat Mission Development and Operations for Upper Atmopsheric Payloads 張起維; 趙吉光
    2018-01-01 以創新觀測開發太空天氣預報與研究用之經驗、資料同化與物理模型 ;Empirical, Assimilation and First-Principal Ionospheric Modeling for Prediction and Investigation of Space Weather Using Innovative Observations 張起維; 林建宏; 狄米奇
    2017-08-01 大氣波動與電磁耦合整合計畫 (I)-子計畫:渦流擴散對熱氣層、電離層氣候影響與變遷; Climatological Effects on the Thermosphere and Ionosphere through Variations in Eddy Diffusion 張起維
    2017-08-01 大氣波動與電磁耦合整合計畫 (I)-子計畫:雷暴產生的重力波、閃電以及紅色精靈的地面觀測計畫 ;Ground Observation for Gravity Wave, Lightning and Sprites Associated with Thunderstorm 郭政靈; 蘇漢宗; 陳炳志; 許瑞榮
    2017-08-01 不同太陽活躍期之擾動發電電場;Disturbance Dynamo Electric Fields at Different Solar Conditions 黃健民
    2017-08-01 太空與磁層電漿環境中非熱力平衡電漿物理之研究;Physics of Nonthermal Plasmas in Space and Magnetospheric Plasma Environments 郝玲妮
    2017-08-01 太陽活躍區源場與閃焰能量釋放之時空關聯性;Spatial and Temporal Correlations between Source Field of Active Regions and Energy Release in Solar Flares 楊雅惠
    2017-08-01 太陽閃焰能量釋放與粒子加速之無線電波診斷 (兩岸合作研究:太陽系天體與系外行星系統-其他) ;Radio Diagnostics of Energy Release and Particle Acceleration in Solar Flares 楊雅惠
    2017-08-01 台灣地區電離層F域三公尺場列電子密度不規則體特性之研究;On the Characteristics of the Ionospheric F-Region 3-Meter Field-Aligned Plasma Irregularities in Taiwan 朱延祥; 蘇清論
    2017-08-01 研究 Stealth 日冕物質噴射 和 Confined eruption 之物理機制;Examining the Physics of Stealth Coronal Mass Ejections and Confined Eruptions 林佳賢
    2017-08-01 特高頻雷達研究閃電發生與飄移;Lightning Occurrence and Drift Study by Chung-Li Vhf Radar 蘇清論
    2017-08-01 船艏震波上下游之多方指數研究;A Study of Polytropic Index Upstream and Downstream of the Bow Shock 許志浤
    2017-08-01 磁層中高能粒子的產生與傳輸過程的理論與數值模擬研究;Theoretical and Simulation Study of the Generation and Transportation of Energetic Particles in the Earth’S Magnetosphere 呂凌霄; 蔡宗哲; 陳明桂
    2017-08-01 磁暴期間電子沉降之空間與能量擴張;Spatial and Energy Extension of Storm-Time Electron Precipitations 狄米奇
    2017-08-01 福衛三號衛星研究赤道大氣克耳文波與聖嬰南方振盪之關聯(第三年);Influence of El Nino Southern Oscillation on Equatorial Atmospheric Kelvin Waves Using Formosat-3/Cosmic Data 潘貞杰; 賴信志
    2016-12-31 太陽閃焰能量釋放與粒子加速之無線電波診斷 (兩岸合作研究:太陽系天體與系外行星系統-其他) ;Radio Diagnostics of Energy Release and Particle Acceleration in Solar Flares 楊雅惠
    2016-12-31 利用電離層全電子含量和熱紅外遙測地震前兆研究;A study of earthquake precursors by using ionospheric total electron content and thermal infrared ray( I ) 劉正彥
    2016-08-31 土衛(六)泰坦的熱球層,離子層和其磁層溫電漿片的旋轉速度在一個太陽活動周期(2004-2016)的時間變化及彗星67P的噴氣活動在2015-2016年的觀察和分析;Titan$S Thermosphere, Ionosphere and the Saturnian Thermal Plasma Disc over One Solar Cycle (2004-2016)And the Coma Dynamics of Comet 67p/Churyumov-Gerasimenko in 2015-2016 葉永烜
    2016-08-31 中層大氣准二年震盪與背景風場對高層大氣變化之機制與呈現;Impact and Mechanisms of Middle Atmosphere Qbo and Background Wind Changes on the Upper Atmosphere 張起維; 林建宏
    2016-08-31 中壢特高頻雷達對電離層F域三公尺場列不規則體的觀測與研究;Investigation of 3-M Field-Aligned Irregularities Observed by Chung-Li Vhf Radar 朱延祥
    2016-08-31 太空與磁層電漿環境中電流片、不穩定性與非線性電漿波之流體與微觀物理研究;Fluid and Kinetic Physics of Current Sheets, Instabilities and Nonlinear Waves in Space and Magnetospheric Plasma Environments 郝玲妮
    2016-08-31 太陽閃焰相關活躍區之源場特性研究;Investigation of Source Field Properties in the Flare-Related Active Regions 楊雅惠
    2016-08-31 台灣大氣科學共同資料服務平台—台灣太空科學資料庫;Common Data Service Platform of Atmospheric Science Data in Taiwan –Taiwan Space Science 陳明桂; 呂凌霄; 趙吉光
    2016-08-31 立方衛星用先進電離層探測儀;Advanced Ionospheric Probe for Cubesat 趙吉光
    2016-08-31 地磁暴期間電離層擾動之尺度化研究;Scaling of Ionospheric Disturbances during Magnetic Storms 狄米奇
    2016-08-31 低層大氣重力波或次聲波對高層大氣和電離層之衝擊;The Impact of Gravity and Infrasonic Waves Coming from Lower Atmospheres on the Upper Atmosphere and Ionosphere 劉正彥
    2016-08-31 研究日冕物質拋射的傳播過程中阻力所扮演的角色;Examining the Role of Drag Force during the Propagation of Coronal Mass Ejections 林佳賢
    2016-08-31 研究擾動發電驅動下之CNOFS電漿漂移;The Study of Cnofs Plasma Drifts Driven by the Disturbance Dynamo 黃健民
    2016-08-31 科普活動:火星探索與移民;The Mars Exploration and Migration 劉正彥; 楊義清; 林沛練; 余憲政
    2016-08-31 紅色精靈的空間分佈研究;Study on Spatial Distribution of Sprites 郭政靈; 蘇漢宗; 許瑞榮; 陳炳志
    2016-08-31 徑向行星際磁場時電漿球層中電漿之重新補充;Plasmasphere Refilling for Radial Interplanetary Magnetic Field 許志浤
    2016-08-31 高層大氣酬載之國際合作立方體衛星任務開發與作業;International Cubesat Mission Development and Operations for Upper Atmopsheric Payloads 張起維; 趙吉光
    2016-08-31 電離層散塊E層GPS電波掩星觀測之模擬;Simulation of Gps Radio Occultation Measurement of Sporadic E Layer 朱延祥
    2016-08-31 磁層頂與磁層中非線性波動與電漿傳輸之多尺度研究;Multiscale Studies of Nonlinear Waves and Plasma Transport at the Magnetopause and in the Magnetosphere 呂凌霄; 陳明桂
    2016-08-31 福衛三號衛星研究赤道大氣克耳文波與聖嬰南方振盪之關聯(II);Influence of El Nino Southern Oscillation on Equatorial Atmospheric Kelvin Waves Using Formosat-3/Cosmic Data 潘貞杰; 賴信志
    2016-08-31 整合研究與測試地震前兆-整合研究與測試地震前兆(I);National Central University/Institute of Space Science( I ) 劉正彥; 陳玉英; 陳界宏
    2015-09-11 GPS電波掩星法反演電離層電子密度誤差的改進研究;Improvement of GPS Radio Occultation Retrieval Error of Ionospheric Electron Density 朱延祥
    2015-09-11 中層大氣准二年震盪與背景風場對高層大氣變化之機制與呈現;Impact and Mechanisms of Middle Atmosphere Qbo and Background Wind Changes on the Upper Atmosphere 張起維; 林建宏
    2015-09-11 中壢特高頻雷達對閃電的觀測與研究;Observation of Lightning Using Chung-Li Vhf Radar 朱延祥; 施順鵬; 王建亞
    2015-09-11 太空與磁層電漿環境中電流片、不穩定性與非線性電漿波之流體與微觀物理研究;Fluid and Kinetic Physics of Current Sheets, Instabilities and Nonlinear Waves in Space and Magnetospheric Plasma Environments 郝玲妮
    2015-09-11 太陽風對磁層頂結構和動力學的影響;Influence of the Solar Wind on the Structure and Dynamics of the Magnetopause 許志浤; 楊雅惠
    2015-09-11 低層大氣重力波或次聲波對高層大氣和電離層之衝擊;The Impact of Gravity and Infrasonic Waves Coming from Lower Atmospheres on the Upper Atmosphere and Ionosphere 劉正彥
    2015-09-11 利用FORMOSAT-3╱COSMIC衛星與流星雷達研究低電離層散塊E層;Lower Ionosphere Sporadic-E Layer Study by FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC and Meteor Research 蘇清論

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