隅撐構架為一有效之耐震系統,一般而言,此構架之設計係將接合板 (gusset plate)銲接於梁柱構件上,再將隅撐構件以栓接或銲接方式連接於接合板上。就隅撐構架之受力機制而言,隅撐構件具有分散梁柱接頭受力的功能,然隅撐構件亦因此承受極大的拉力或壓力,當隅撐構件承受高度壓力時,構件常因此達挫屈,就依現行接合板設計之構架而言,其需要大量的銲接,再者,隅撐構件挫屈後,將造成接合板之非彈性變形,需將接合板切除,才得以更換新的隅撐構件,其修復甚為不便。緣此,本研究擬針對隅撐構架研擬一具有可更換、易施工、且具適當強度及變形能力之隅撐設計及接合方式,此隅撐設計具有可靠之挫屈控制機制,結構之行為應更易於掌握,為確認此系統在實際工程應用之可靠性,並探討此設計對結構耐震性能提昇之可行性,本研究中擬藉一系列配置不同控制機制隅撐之鋼構架反復載重試驗,界定其強度、勁度及韌性水準,同時針對隅撐鋼構架之承載性能與分析模式進行探討,藉相關分析參數之蒐集,建立隅撐鋼結構之設計準則及參考資訊。 Steel structures possess high strength and significant ductility, thus are effective structural forms for earthquake-resistant designs. Structural designs using special moment resisting frames (SMRF) are usually considered when high ductility is required. However, applications of such designs are sometimes limited when story drift is a concern. In order to improve the seismic performance of the structures, a modified structure adopting knee braces, namely knee-braced moment resisting frame (KBRF), is proposed. The effectiveness of the KBRF is governed by the aspect ratios of the knee braces. In order to adequately evaluate the performance of the KBRF, the relationships between the system and the knee braces must be defined. This study is focused on the performance enhancement of KBRF structures by applying a new type of knee brace. The proposed knee-brace design is composed of elements with end plates and controllable buckling mechanism. A series of cyclic loading tests will be conducted on the SMRF and KBRF structures with difference arrangement of knee elements to investigate their seismic behavior. Test results will be used to evaluate the frame strength, structural stiffness and the structural ductility so that their seismic performance can be justified. 研究期間 : 9808 ~ 9907