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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://ir.lib.ncu.edu.tw/handle/987654321/25901

    Title: 證券市場信用交易制度之探討-兩岸三地為研究對象;Research of stock market credit trading system-Among Taiwan,China and H.K.
    Authors: 黃烱烈;Chiung Lieh Huang
    Contributors: 產業經濟研究所碩士在職專班
    Keywords: 信用交易;兩岸三地;stock market credit trading system
    Date: 2008-06-04
    Issue Date: 2010-06-11 17:07:05 (UTC+8)
    Publisher: 國立中央大學圖書館
    Abstract: 證券市場中信用交易廣為中小型投資人所使用,伴隨著兩岸三地的經貿關係越來越緊密的情況之下。我國的投資人不單只是可以投資本土的資本市場,還有機會跨海作兩岸三地資本市場的投資,所以擅長融資融券作股票交易的中小型投資人們的確有必要認識其它兩個最接近我國的證券市場制度,尤其在信用交易這部份更須要來作詳細的研究;同時,也可以更進一步的瞭解兩岸三地不同的資本市場效率性,這個研究同時也可以幫助利用信用交易作投資的中小型投資人分析自己的投資決策是否適用於目前所要進行交易的資本市場。 此外,本文也將我國信用交易體制與先進國家作一比較,以體認目前我國尚須要加強改進的部份。其中,對於擴充我國有價證券借貸市場的可行性就是要能夠打破目前「以資養券」舊制的藩籬,讓證券融券買賣的交易能夠更自由,同時擴大我國證券市場的廣度。再來,就是討論另外一種使用財務槓桿的投資工具--衍生性金融商品。讀者可藉此了解到更高度槓桿的操作方式,而其機會成本又將是如何? 我國目前由於本土資金長期外流而導致國內股市交易量長期停滯不前,面對國際多頭市場時無法與港、陸股市並駕齊驅。面臨這種國際專業法人機構連續買超台股但是本土國人卻嚮往海外投資,更甚者還有台商將經營企業的資金「有去無回」地,不斷的流向海外。本文也列出專章討論境外法人與OBU的操作實錄,也就是將錢匯出我國的海外台商們獨特的資金操作技巧。同時,本文也會順帶討論我國資金外流時,政府利用擴張性的融資政策來激發股票市場的效果是否能夠達成期望既定的功效? 我國股市目前採取的證券信用交易是以固定比率的融資自備款與融券保證金為主,但近年來,因為總體經濟的因素以及新一批的散戶新鮮人涉足股市,於面臨股匯市大幅波動之時,非理性的殺盤會讓一般中小型投資人全軍覆沒,所以列出民國86年以前準備推行的信用交易彈性調整制度出來比較何者為優? 最後,本文除了以財經法學與金融商品交易機制作為核心研究的項目。也在論文的最末章節中提出對於總體經濟中,以國際級金融大師--索羅斯利用哲學的角度對於「信用」的觀點作一詳實的陳述,以求在制度與法學辯證中找到更具備啟發心智深處靈性的一股力量。 Following the relationship among Taiwan,China and H.K.。We know the personal investors often use credit trading to buy or sell stocks。Today,investor of our nation not only could join local stock market but also have chances to exchange stocks in another countries.。So personal investors should realize the stock operation system of China and H.K.。especially,the stock financial system of them。This paper may help personal investor to make their decision on matter in another capital market to sell or buy stocks in the timing 。 Besides,this paper will find out the credit trading competence among our nation and another advance nations。By the way,to discover our financial department shortage then overcome it 。To enhance the debit and loan stock finance to break down our nation’s old system。Making more and more free space to trading stocks。Farther more,we can discuss the other topic about derivatives 。The personal investor should understand how the operation of this high financial leverage money game。 The money of our nation went out of Taiwan abroad for a long while to earn more money。The volume of exchange in our stock market has been in low state for years。How this could happen?So my paper teaches personal investors to know what is OBU and uncover the problem of the opening plan against different stock market。Which is the better function to solve human puzzle。 At last,my thesis gives George Soros a respect to his book with excellent fame -The Alchemy of Finance,which upgrade the mind of so many personal investors。
    Appears in Collections:[Executive Master of Industrial Economics] Electronic Thesis & Dissertation

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