摘要: | 近代顯示器之色彩動態影像加速了人對資訊吸收的速度,然而在許多色彩影像的應用,如使用電腦圖文出版、網路的商品展示…等,須要準確的色彩再現以瞭解真實的色彩訊息,因此若能獲得一個能顯示人眼所有感知色彩之顯視器,且其播放之影像為全頻譜色彩影像,則由此顯視器顯示出來之色彩物體,與用人眼去觀察此色彩物體時會是一樣, 這即是理想是色彩再現系統。因此本計畫希望建構一個驅近於理想色彩再現系統,因此本計畫「物理極限之多原色色彩再現系統」,分成三年計畫,第一年「多原色顯示器」,第二年「環境光檢測」與第三年「物理極限色彩影像訊號」。第一年計畫之主要目的將建立一六主原色顯示平台,以顯示更多人所能感知之色彩,配合多色色域邊界之理論,可快速建構多原色色域體積邊界,使得色域對映演算法的過程加速,再使用FPGA 即可即時(real time)處理影像訊號播放至六原色顯示器平台。第二年計畫會建立環境光感測器,利用三剌激值式色度儀及其配合之相關電路,然後分別使用特徵值還原法、最小平方近似法、使用雙光源校正法來提升色度量測達到光譜等級之精度(tri-stimulus spectrum)。第三年計畫藉由靜態全頻譜標準色彩設備,擷取全頻譜色彩影像,製作成各種標準色彩影像訊號,可供各種顯示器播放。並配合第一、二年計畫達成多原色色彩再現系統之物理極限。 The color movement images speed the velocity of drawing information by human. Many applications need accurate reproduction of color images, such as desktop publication and the networked office system. Therefore, when the full-sepectrum images are displayed by a display that can display all human perceptive color, the color of object will be the same with the vision of human eye. This is a ideal color reproduction system. Therefore, the purpose of this project is construting a similar real color reproduction system. The project is divided into three sub-projects for three years, their subjects are respectively “Multi-Primary Color display”, “’Ambiet Light Measurement’, and “Physical Limitation Color Image Signal’’. The fisrt sub-project is constructing a six-primary color display for displaing more color. Based on multi-primary color boundary theory, we can construct multi-primary color volume boundary quickly, and it make the color gamut mapping processing quick. The image signal is displayed real time by six-primary color primary display by FPGA. The second sub-project is constructing the tri-stimulus color meter and its circuits, and the calibration is using Least Square Approximation and Eigen-spectrum analysis under one light source and two source. The third sub-project is obtaining the hyper-spectrum image by the hyper-spectrum auto-scraning spectro-colorimeter, and hyper-spectrum image is transformng into several standard images to show on the every kind display. 研究期間 : 9808 ~ 9907 |